Tool switching with hotkeys (Shift-Spacebar for play).SearchSearch for actions (Shift-Spacebar for play). 用户配置。播放切换动画回放。工具栏切换工具栏快捷键(Shift-Spacebar 播放)搜索搜索操作 (Shift-Spacebar 播放)。 Shift-Ctrl-Spacebar Playback animation (reverse). 倒放动画(反向)。 常用编辑...
Press the Shift + D hotkeys to duplicate it. Move the wall up 3 m to match the height of the walls. Find the Mesh menu from the top of the 3D Viewport. Use the Mesh | Normals | Flip Normals option to invert the mesh so that the normals point inward toward the room. Normals...
Segments 段数 S Shape 形状 P (0-1) Material Index 材料指标 Harden Normals 硬化法向 H Clamp Overlap 限制重叠 C Loop Slide 环切线滑移 Mark标记 \Seams 接缝 U Mark \Sharp 锐利 K Miter Outer 斜接外表面 O Inner 内 I Spread 扩散 Intersection Type 交叉点类 N Face Strength 脸部力量...
Hotkey: Ctrl-M 镜像, 会将物体 按照 x,y,z,对称方式 显示到另外一边。 (但是不创造新物体,呵呵) 对称中心为 物体中心轴, 可以将物体中心轴 选择为准心。 这样就能看见堆成变化了。 哈哈 83 clear alt + g / s /r /o 将位移,缩放,旋转,轴心 重置为初始状态。 apply ctr + a 将新位置的 g/s/r...
Hotkey: Alt-B Allows you to define a clipping border to limit the 3D View display to a portion of 3D space. It can assist in the process of working with complex models and scenes. 切割 视图。 被切掉的不显示,并且工具只对能看见的部分才有效果 但是不影响摄像机 ...
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development View all...
We can also access these tools through the right-side panel called the N-panel. Toggled with the N hotkey, or in the active tools and workspace settings found in the topmost tab in the properties panel. In all of these places we have the usual brush tools, such as strength and radius...
The hotkey F2 (not to be confused with the addon F2) can now be used to quickly rename objects. Ctrl F2 gives you renaming superpowers with a new Batch Rename function. Whether you want to change all spaces to underscores, switch everything to lowercase, or flip .R to .L, Batch Rena...