F3:搜索 F9:调出“选项设置”,比如倒角的选项,物体的参数等 shift+a:新建物体 物体模式下,右键-...
学习外语blender教程,经常遇到老师直接搜节点名字创建节点,自己又不想改用英文版,所以做个中英文对照表。 4.0更新添加了大量的二级菜单,所以改成了索引的形式。 英文中文位置Accumulate Field累积场实用工具→…
Duplicate Area into New Window:创建一个新的独立文本编辑窗口。 Properties:调出属性面板,其功能与标题栏菜单相同,快捷键为Ctrl+F。属性中包括了Line Numbers(行数显示)、Word Wrap(自动换行)、Syntax Highlight(高亮标点符号)、Live Edit(实时编辑)、Font Size(字体大小)、Tab Width(缩进宽度)、Tab as Spaces(...
Flattens the mesh in the brush area, while moving it in the direction of the brush stroke. 姿态 Poses a model simulating an armature-like deformations. 推移 往笔划方向移动顶点。 旋转 Rotates vertices within the brush in the direction the cursor is moved. ...
【blender几何节点】(网格-拓扑)面内拐角偏移(Offset Corner in Face), 视频播放量 1058、弹幕量 0、点赞数 31、投硬币枚数 10、收藏人数 10、转发人数 0, 视频作者 爱学习的小vvvvv, 作者简介 ,相关视频:【blender几何节点】(网格-拓扑)拐角面(Face of Corner)面
Focuses view on currently selected object/s by centering them in the viewport, and zooming in until they fill the screen. 数字键盘 点 .键 视图放大所选择物体(最后创建的物体),显示物体 31 Center View to Cursor Alt-Home Centers view to 3D-cursor. ...
面的面积Face Area 面的邻项Face Neighbors 面组边界Face Group Boundaries 面是否平直Is Face Planar 是否平滑着色Is Shade Smooth 网格孤岛Mesh Island 最短边路径Shortest Edge Paths 顶点的邻项Vertex Neighbors 网格>采样Mesh>Sample 采样最近的表面Sample Nearest Surface ...
Area lamps, and tips on how to position them. 59 – 61. Rendering This is the final stage in the 3d process: making a finished image. In this section we look at how to control the resolution and fidelity of the final output, compare the Eevee and Cycles render engines, and learn how...
4. Ext.hx 扩展了 `Zui` 类型,增加了 textArea、fileBrowser、inlineRadio、colorWheel 等功能。 5. Themes.hx 提供主题功能。 Armory 对 Zui 进行了封装,添加了一些类型定义,画布包装成 `Canvas` 类型,还有弹窗 `Popup`: Armory Sources`-- armory.ui ...
Fill Region Shift-Ctrl-LMB Selects all elements in the shortest paths from the active selection to the clicked area. Checker Deselect Options Allows to quickly select alternate elements in a path. Deselected The number of deselected elements in the repetitive sequence. Selected The number of select...