方式1:检查模型中模型的<collision>属性,里面的<geometry>是否加载的是.dae或.stl文件,如果有,将.dae或.stl替换成urdf本身自有的属性,例如<cylinder>,<box>等。 举例:将 <collision> <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="0 0 0"/> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://turtlebot2i_description/meshes/sens...
这里需要指定导出 STL 文件的路径。请将 `"/path/to/exported_mesh.stl"` 替换为实际的文件路径。 5. **导出为 STL 文件**: ```python bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl(filepath=stl_filepath, use_selection=True) ``` 最后,使用 `bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl` 操作符将选中的对象导出为 STL 文件。 ### ...
①File(文件)-> ②Export...(导出为)-> ③Select STL Export Type(选择.stl格式导出)-> ④Set Export Options to Binary(选择二进制选项) -> ⑤点击‘OK’ -> ⑥Enter Filename(输入文件名)-> ⑦Save(保存) 十、Autodesk Inventor Autodesk Inventor导出stl文件流程: ①File(文件)-> ②Save Copy As(...
免费将 GLB 转换为 FBX - ImageToStlimagetostl.com/cn/convert/file/glb/to/fbx#:~:text=%E...
stl_filepath = "/path/to/exported_mesh.stl" # 替换为你的实际路径 # 导出选中的对象为 STL 文件 bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl(filepath=stl_filepath, use_selection=True) ``` ### 从命令行运行 Blender 脚本 假设你已经安装了 Blender,并且它的路径已添加到系统的 `PATH` 环境变量中。你可以通过命令行...
゛Elope ,: 可以导出STL格式的模型。因为SU是一款强大的3D建模软件,它可以导出多种格式的模型,其中包括STL格式,STL格式是用于3D打印的标准格式之一,因此SU也可以导出该格式的模型。另外,在SU中,用户可以通过选择合适的导出选项对导出的STL模型进行优化,从而使得该模型在3D打印时具有更好的打印效果。同时,SU还支持导出...
.gitmodules Update for moving blender2.8 to master. Dec 21, 2018 CMakeLists.txt CMake: optionally disable OBJ, STL & GPencil SVG support Jun 8, 2022 COPYING == docs == Oct 13, 2010 GNUmakefile GNUmakefile: include autopep8 in the "make format" target May 3, 2022 make.bat make....
You are looking for a convert from your Blender file to a CAD format? Here you are at the right place. Currently only stl models with max. 10mb !!! The price can varies depending on the amount of work. !!! Overview: Convert Blender to CAD Scale to the dimensions which you need Data...
Press Delete to delete the default cube. Then go to File -> Import -> STL and choose the STL files that were generated. They will appear in the view in the same positions as they were in the assembly in Alibre Design. Optionally you can select all the STLs and press ‘S’ to scale...