The process of calculating new data between points of known value, like Keyframes. IOR Index of Refraction 透明材质的一个属性。当一束光线穿透同一介质,会沿着一条笔直路径。但是,如果光线从一个透明介质进入另一个,将发生偏折。光线偏折的角度可以通过两种介质的材质折射率算出。 关键帧 A frame in an ...
defdraw_line(gp_frame,p0:tuple,p1:tuple):# Init new'3DSPACE'# allows for editing# Define stroke geometrygp_stroke.points.add(count=2)gp_stroke.points[0].co=p0gp_stroke.points[1].co=p1returngp_stroke 对于给定的GP帧,在上面...
清单 6-5 中的draw_text()和draw_line()函数通过将 2D 画布坐标作为输入并将信息传递给bgl和blf来实现这一点。 # Generic function for drawing text on screen def draw_text(v, display_text, fsize, font_id=0): if v: blf.size(font_id, fsize, 72) blf.position(font_id, v[0], v[1], ...
Now cut a line straight down the middle, just Left Click once at the top near the middle of the plane and once at the bottom. Vertices are created wherever clicked and an edge is created between 2 vertices. Once the plane is sliced press the Spacebar or Enter to confirm that the line...
来自的适合操作系统的. zip 或. bz2 文件。将文件夹保存并解压缩到一个容易访问的位置。Windows 用户将打开命令提示符,UNIX 用户将打开终端。清单 1-2 和 1-3 分别显示了 Windows 和 UNIX 用户打开桌面上的 Blender 安装所需的命令。或者,Windows 用户可以正常打开 Blender,...
Blender Secrets 055 - How to Choose Between Multiple Camera's.mp4 Blender Secrets 056 - How To Use the BoolTool Add-on.mp4 Blender Secrets 057 - Flatten Faces.mp4 Blender Secrets 058 - Collapse Edges.mp4 Blender Secrets 059 - Crease Edges.mp4 Blender Secrets 060 - Twisted Bridge With Loop...
Distance calculates the length of a straight line between the points of two vectors. Just remember that vectors are always in relation to some starting point, and these operations will calculate them as starting from the same spot. You can move the visualization of the vectors wherever you’d ...
I wouldn't be using blender if I was biased towards modo. Even in my video, which I'm just going to assume no one will ever watch and just forever go off the summary points, I point out that there are artifacts when at a 90 degree angle. It displays better, in my opinion, in ...
Where most tutorials are just showing me how to draw seams and uv unwrap and auto pack. The way Transform isn't able to drag select, but can broadly select individual vertices/edges/faces when clicking on empty space is frustrating as hell, as it forces me to jump between two tools that...
It’s finally time to add some dimensions to your production drawing. Start by selecting the object you are adding dimensions to and going intoEdit ModewithVertex Selectenabled. Select two vertex points that have a line between them, and then go to theViewtab on the right of the viewport....