PLATFORM windows 64-bit HOMEPAGE [web]What is Blender?Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, even video editing and game creation. Advanced users emplo...
建议从Blender官方站点下载最新的二进制发行版,该方式安装相对比较稳定且具有良好的兼容性。 安装Blender - Windows 系统: 下载后双击安装文件进行安装即可 - Linux 系统: 下载并解压,双击解压后的文件夹中名为“blender”的可执行程序文件即可 - Mac OS 系统: 参看官方文档...
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Note: The Linux versions of Blender requires glibc 2.11 and should work with most recent Linux distributions. You can download the Linux versionshere. Trademark Note 1: Microsoft®, Windows® and other product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the Un...
10. Modellierung eines Schreibtisches im Blender 13:09 11. Modellierung eines Monitors im Blender 12:31 12. Modellierung einer Maus in Blender 4:12 13. Modellierung einer Tastatur in Blender 11:02 14. Modellierung einer Tasse im Blender 14:54 15. Erstelle Bücher in Blender ...
Windows XP supports advanced processor features such as Hyper-Threading, Multi-Core and x64. XP支持高级处理器特性比如超线程,多内核和64位程序 Windows XP supports side-by-side components which significantly reduces application versioning conflicts. ...
Auto Run Python Scripts:As a security feature, the Auto Run Python Scripts check box is disabled. This provides a bit of a safeguard in the event that you download a.blendfile from the Internet and run it in Blender, preventing potentially dangerous scripts from running right when you open ...
Fixed crash of inversekinematicson 32 bit Windows platforms Improvemulti-threadedusage of fluid simulation Return correct alpha for environment map in GLSL Blender 2.78b 重大更新 Spherical Stereo Cycles now supports rendering spherical stereo images for VR. It includes support for pole merging to reduce...
On Blender, it also goes away if you use the program on full screen mode, or (curiously enough) when you use it in windowed mode and you expand the Blender window so a little bit of the bottom is hidden behind the Windows taskbar. On Photoshop, the flickering only happens...
#include <windows.h> // Header File For Windows #include <math.h> // Math Library Header File #include <stdio.h> // Header File For Standard Input/Output #include <glgl.h> // Header File For The OpenGL32 Library #include <glglu.h> // Header File For The GLu32 Library ...