CC_DELETE_HIDDEN_FACES if full_avatar else False self.option_current_animation = False self.option_current_pose = False self.option_hik_data = prefs.CC_USE_HIK_PROFILE if full_avatar else False self.option_profile_data = prefs.CC_USE_FACIAL_PROFILE if full_avatar else False...
Object物体 删除Delete X或 Delete 编辑 Object物体 全局删除 Delete Globally Shift-X or Shift-Delete 编辑 Object物体 移动到集合 Collection M
Delete the opposing faces Select vertices on both sides (4 on each side if square/rectangular) Hit F3 and look for Bridge Edge Loops Use Solidify modifier in object mode to give something thickness Use Subdivide Surface modifier to add geometry. You won't have your faces on both sides, thou...
编辑 Object物体 删除Delete X或 Delete 编辑 Object物体 全局删除 Delete Globally Shift-X or Shift-Delete 编辑 Object物体 移动到集合 Collection M
Delete 删除量尺。 Ctrl-C 复制尺寸数值到剪贴板。 Esc 退出。 Enter 保存量尺状态,下次激活该工具可继续修改。 9 a 全选, b 框选, c 刷选, ctr + 左键 选择 ,ctl + L / L 关联选(先选1个点,然后L 所有有点都被选上), ctl + 加号 (先选一点,然后再此点周围增加点) ,ctr + 减号(与加号 相...
1. Introduction 1:14 2. Downloading Blender 1:24 3. Navigating Blender 4:20 4. Learning Transform Operations 5:53 5. Object vs Edit Mode 3:44 6. Adding & Removing Objects 1:33 7. Duplicating Objects & Using Modifiers 4:15 8.
Delete them with the [X] key. Select Faces and delete only the faces. Delete with [X] key Then select the remaining Faces (i.e., the part of the shoulder and armpit that will be sewn together). Click the [X] key (Delete) -> Only Faces to delete the faces only. ...
Thefront face onlysetting will make it so that faces won't be added to a face set if you can't see their front side in the viewport while painting them. You can try this with the monkey object as well. You can paint the ears with a face set with or without this setting and see...
Linked Flat Faces(同角度面)选择 Sharp Edges:选择所有标识为Sharp的边。 Random:让系统做随机选择。 Inverse/Select/Deselect All:反选/全选/取消全选,快捷键为Ctrl+I和A。 3.2.4? 网格菜单如图3-26所示,为Edit(编辑)模式下的Mesh(网格)菜单,这里提供了全面的建模操作工具。 ? (点击查看大图)图3-26?
Delete 删除量尺。 Ctrl-C 复制尺寸数值到剪贴板。 Esc 退出。 Enter 保存量尺状态,下次激活该工具可继续修改。 9 a 全选, b 框选, c 刷选, ctr + 左键 选择 ,ctl + L / L 关联选(先选1个点,然后L 所有有点都被选上), ctl + 加号 (先选一点,然后再此点周围增加点) ,ctr + 减号(与加号 相...