act.rename(objName)# Delete an object by namedefdelete(objName): select(objName) bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False)# Delete allobjectsdefdelete_all():if(len( !=0): bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False)if__name__ =...
X, Delete Pressing X or Delete opens a pop-up menu from where you can delete the selected keyframes.控制柄类型¶ 参考 菜单 Key ‣ Handle Type 快捷键 V Sets the handle type of the selected keyframes.插值模式¶ 参考 菜单 Key ‣ Interpolation Mode 快捷键 T Sets the interpolatio...
Lock to Object Lock to Object lets you define an object in the Object Data ID as the center of the view. In that case, the view can be rotated around or zoomed towards that central object, but not on translation, unless you translate that itself object (this option is not available in...
LMB 拖拽中心点测量角度,拖出视窗回到量尺状态。 Delete 删除量尺。 Ctrl-C 复制尺寸数值到剪贴板。 Esc 退出。 Enter 保存量尺状态,下次激活该工具可继续修改。 9 a 全选, b 框选, c 刷选, ctr + 左键 选择 ,ctl + L / L 关联选(先选1个点,然后L 所有有点都被选上), ctl + 加号 (先选一点,...
To grab your intended row of faces, just perform an action similar to defining the path of a loop cut. In Face Mode, hover the mouse over the edge you want the selection to run through, and click away. You can select multiple loops with the shift key. For instance, I have loop ...
(objName) def cone(objName): bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add(radius1=0.5, location=(0, 0, 0)) act.rename(objName) # Delete an object by name def delete(objName): select(objName) bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False) # Delete all objects def delete_all(): if(len(
delete_object("Planet-{:02d}".format(n)) delete_object("Radius-{:02d}".format(n)) for m in # ... 现在,你可以根据需要多次运行脚本:每次首先清理场景, 以便只获得我们的“太阳能系统”的一个实例🙂 ...
action='TOGGLE'-->切换选择状态(选中物体取消选择,未选中物体进行选择) action='INVERT'-->反转当前选择状态 2. bpy.ops.object.delete()--将选中物体都delete掉 create_floor() defcreate_floor(elasticity=1):"""Creates a floor plane in Blender, scales it, and sets it up with collision and rigid...
import bpy import datetime # Clear the scene bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.delete() # Create an object for our clock bpy.ops.object.text_add(location=(0, 0, 0)) = 'MyTextObj' # Create a handler function def tell_time(dummy): cur...
importbpy# 引入Blender Python API模块# 删除所有现有对象bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')# 取消选择所有对象bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')# 再次取消选择以清空选择状态bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False)# 删除选定的所有对象# 添加一个立方体bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_ad...