MirrorCtrl + M then X/Y/Z (or MMB (drag))Set Parent (to last selected)Ctrl + P Clear Pa...
X, Delete Pressing X or Delete opens a pop-up menu from where you can delete the selected keyframes.控制柄类型¶ 参考 菜单 Key ‣ Handle Type 快捷键 V Sets the handle type of the selected keyframes.插值模式¶ 参考 菜单 Key ‣ Interpolation Mode 快捷键 T Sets the interpolatio...
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add(radius1=0.5, location=(0,0,0)) act.rename(objName)# Delete an object by namedefdelete(objName): select(objName) bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False)# Delete allobjectsdefdelete_all():if(len(bpy.data.objects) !=0): bpy.ops.object.select_all(actio...
Set Clip Planes From Object Bounding Box- set planes from selected object bounding box X- reset all the settings to their defaults Edit Quasi point cloud Edit Mode. HitStartand all points are converted to helper mesh with vertices and entered to mesh edit mode. You can transform, delete and...
Delete all the materials for the duplicate 3D object by selecting the minus sign to the right of the materials. To hide the original 3D object and show just the duplicate, select the "eye" to the right of the original 3D object name. Notice that there are no materials on the duplicate ...
The new frame will have the same size and position as the selected one. Delete X Delete the current frame. Overflow How to handle text overflowing available space in the defined boxes. Overflow Just keep text running out of the last box. Scale to Fit Scale text to fit into the available...
You can select two faces and bridge them, but it won’t delete the selected faces. The edges will be bridged, but you’ll have unwanted geometry inside your mesh. If you want to connect two boxes like that, delete the faces, select the edges, then bridge it. A little annoying, but...
Favorites {{sellerTotalView > 1 ? __("sellers", {number: sellerTotalView}) : __("seller", {number: sellerTotalView}) }}, {{numTotalView > 1 ? __("items", {number: numTotalView}) : __("item", {number: numTotalView}) }} ...
To maintain the view focused on the camera, select the camera while in camera view and press the “Delete” key on the numpad.NOTE: The view will snap to a camera even if it is hidden in the scene hierarchy. However, selecting a hidden camera in the scene view is not possible, althou...