A "Tip offset" can be specified to apply an offset to the base bottom vertices of the cube-corners. The range of [-1,1] corresponds to 5% of the "CubeCorner Spacing". This allows to mimic by-design imperfections of retroreflectors for traffic use - if they were perfect, light would...
The default Cube with edges and corner vertices separately bevelled, highlighting the different between the two operations in Blender 2.8+. Bevel Edges To modify the mesh using theBeveltool, in the 3D View select an object (or objects) to be affected and toggle intoEdit Mode(Tab). To bevel...
blender2ogrecan generate SkyBoxes from HDRi Maps and export them in a format that can be used in OGRE, that is a Cube Map. Check out theSkyBoxestutorial to see how to create import the Environment Map in Blender and how to export it. ...
Course running the tool on a single edge throws an ngon in you way, but you can fix that easily just by using the knife tool and cutting a loop around the cube... This is great for low poly architectural details, helping break up surfaces for mesh smoothing, restraints for when you ...
Create a new cube, resize it to a starting leg, and add a mirror modifier for the four legs. Select the outer face of your drawer, set the 3D Cursor to selected with Shift + S, and add a cylinder. Taper the cylinder inward and outward for the drawer handles. For added visual inte...
Create a new cube, resize it to a starting leg, and add a mirror modifier for the four legs. Select the outer face of your drawer, set the 3D Cursor to selected with Shift + S, and add a cylinder. Taper the cylinder inward and outward for the drawer handles. For added visual inte...
blender2ogrecan generate SkyBoxes from HDRi Maps and export them in a format that can be used in OGRE, that is a Cube Map. Check out theSkyBoxestutorial to see how to create import the Environment Map in Blender and how to export it. ...