alt+g/r/s 归零 ctrl+t 路径曲线旋转 shift+o 衰减编辑菜单 ctrl+i 反选 alt+d 扩展顶点 蒙皮ctrl+a 调整粗细 曲线alt+s 调整粗细 窗口调整 ctrl+pgup 切换工作区(换pgdn反向) shift+alt+z 切换叠加层可视状态 ctrl+中键拖动 更精细的视图缩放 ctrl+空格 视图最大化 shift+F1~12 编辑器窗口切换 F1 ...
Blender干货|节省生命小技巧#60 一分钟学会控制曲线!时间就是生命!让Zimon帮你节省时间,珍爱生命!本教程合集专注于高效建模,适用于各学习阶段的Blender用户观看。现在就关注我,你不会想错过~ ✍🏻Zimon整理的笔 - zimon3d于20231204发布在抖音,已经收获了14.8
Check the “Camera” field. If it’s empty, press it to open the drop-down menu and add a camera. Unless you select a camera through the “Properties” panel, the program may not detect the camera you’ve created in the scene. If you’re working with a file containing multiple scenes...
Ctrl + I 反选(取消选中项的选中, 选中未选中项) Ctrl + 左键 选中项间的最短路径 Ctrl + L 选中选中项相连项(鼠标在模型上可直接L) Ctrl + +键 增大选中面积 Ctrl + -键 减小选中面积 Alt + 左键 环选 === Shift + 右键 切换游标地点 Shift + S 关于选中项与游标的操作 Shift + C 游标回到...
shift+d 复制多个 g键移动 x y z锁定方向 A可以全选 然后选择大小 s 键 拖拽大小 ctrl + a 全部应用 切换到不同的编辑模式 tab可以显示切换的模式,左上角。也可以按1.2.3 选中 右键 分离 导入glb a 全选 x删除 实现甜甜圈下落的动画 给甜甜圈加刚体 物体–刚体–烘焙到关键帧 效果图 https://...
As the API may change, using a different version of the Blender may cause some functions not working properly. If you notice some bugs due to Blender updates or any questions/recommendations, please contact BibTeX @software{Liu_BlenderToolbox_2018, author = {Liu, Hsueh-...
Allows you to define a clipping border to limit the 3D View display to a portion of 3D space. It can assist in the process of working with complex models and scenes. 切割 视图。 被切掉的不显示,并且工具只对能看见的部分才有效果 但是不影响摄像机 ...
Allows you to define a clipping border to limit the 3D View display to a portion of 3D space. It can assist in the process of working with complex models and scenes. 切割 视图。 被切掉的不显示,并且工具只对能看见的部分才有效果 但是不影响摄像机 ...
The other is generally a 'beta' version that's out for review, mainly to find software bugs. The developers generally believe it's 'stable' (working as it should) but want it tested before its release. The beta version that's currently available doesn't 'install' like most software ...
Fixed shadow catcher not working with advanced lights in Blender 3.x 2.12.0 2022-11-22 Fixed problem with light brush not sliding in Blender 3.3 Replaced deprecated bgl module with gpu Added ability to use Ctrl+D to duplicate a light ...