import bpy import bpy # 创建立方体并返回对象 def create_cube(name, dimensions, location, parent=None): # 执行添加立方体的操作 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=dimensi
import bpy import bmesh # Must start in object mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.object.delete() # Create a cube and rotate a face around the y-axis bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(radius=0.5, location=(-3, 0, 0)) b...
bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False)if__name__ =="__main__":# Create a cubecreate.cube('PerfectCube')# Differential transformations combinesel.translate((0,1,2)) sel.scale((1,1,2)) sel.scale((0.5,1,1)) sel.rotate_x(3.1415/8) sel.rotate_x(3.1415/7) sel.rotate_z(3.1415/3...
Create Drills: Creates cylinders with specified dimensions. Drill Holes: Creates boolean of your model with the drills. In other words, drills the holes. Holes are needed to drain out the supporting material from inside of the printed model. The number of holes and their dia are specified by...
# create new cube bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location = (-2,1,2)) kostka = bpy.context.object # create plane bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(location=(0,0,0)) plane = bpy.context.object plane.dimensions = (20,20,0)
Voxels SizeDisplays the physical size of a single voxel. A voxel is always a 3D cube with equal width on each side. You can think of a voxel as being the 3D version of a 2D image pixel. In an image, the pixel size is the minimum amount of detail that can be resolved or seen in...
In the below snapshot, CubeAction would be the name. Don’t forget to hit that little F to ensure the action is saved! Exporting to FBX and converting to G3DBPermalinkNote: see this project here) which converts directly from .blend files. *For Older Blender versions <2.8, check this ...
The U and V dimensions represent the vertical and horizontal axes of the piece of paper in the same way that X, Y, and Z represent the three-dimensional axes of a 3D object. Unwrapping the UVs enables you to paint the flattened pieces with the material colors of the model. This painted...
Move the object/cube (preferably with the widget arrows) and click CTRL-V. This will place a second cube where the original was when you copied it. These copy and paste commands must be done with your mouse cursor somewhere inside the workspace. Otherwise, the software will assume that you...
3 Creating a belt 3.1 Add a cube 3.2 Add a curve 3.3 Add the Array and Curve modifiers 3.4 Work with the curve 3.5 Finishing touches 4 Related pagesOverviewThis tutorial will explain how to create a belt in Blender using curves. The idea behind this is that we will draw a curve and...