复制(Copy) [CMD/CTRL+ C](CMD/CTRL + C键) 粘贴(Paste) [CMD/CTRL+ V](CMD/CTRL + V键) 场景图(Scene Graph) 新建集合(New Collection) [C](C键) 移动到集合(Move to Collection) [M](M键) 视图(View) 鼠标中键滚动(Middle Wheel) 旋转 SHIFT + 鼠标中键滚动(Shift + Middle Wheel) 平...
复制(Copy)[CMD/CTRL+ C](CMD/CTRL + C键)粘贴(Paste)[CMD/CTRL+ V](CMD/CTRL + V键)...
def copyPaste(self, a): type_os = platform.system() if type_os == "Windows": user_home = os.getenv('userprofile') else: user_home = os.path.expanduser("~") copypaste_dir = normpath(join("/idTools/copypaste/temp")) dirpath = str(user_home) + copypaste_dir + "/" if not ...
ESC Stops ongoing operation——停止当前操作 TAB Toggles Edit/Object mode——切换编辑/物体模式 Z Toggles Solid/Wireframe display——切换实体/线框显示模式 Ctrl+G Add to Group 添加到群组 X Delete 删除 Ctrl+Z Undo 取消 Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo 重做 CTRL+N Open New Default File——新建 CTRL+O Open ...
Copy Strip 复制段 Ctrl+Ctrl Paste Strip 粘贴段 Ctrl+V Separate Images 独立图像 Y Snap Strip to Scrubber 对齐段 Shift+Shift Armatures -- 骨骼 Add Bone 添加骨骼 E / Ctrl+Click Rotate 旋转 Ctrl+R Recalculate Roll 重新计算Roll Ctrl+N Align Bones 骨骼对齐 Ctrl+Alt+Alt Move to Bone Layers 移...
? 图2-96? Edit(编辑)菜单 Text to 3D Object:将编辑文字转换为3D物体,快捷键为Alt+M。 Find:查找功能,快捷键为Ctrl+F。 Jump:快速跳跃至指定行,快捷键为Ctrl+J。 Markers:标识符的编辑与查找选项。 Select:选择操作,例如全选操作的快捷键为Ctrl+A。 Paste/Copy/Cut/Redo/Undo:粘帖/复制/剪切/重复/...
快捷键英文Blender_Cheat_Sheet Visit blenderguru.com for weekly blender tutorials!B l e n d e r 2.5T h e c h e a t s h e e t
Allow you to copy and paste to import / export models and images. Documentation ➡️[Gitee]Blender 2.83 ~ 3.6 (1.4.8 and lower) 4.0+ (1.5.0) Notice Since blender 4.1 has support Drag and Drop, this addon will be deprecated soon See new addonhttps://github.com/atticus-lv/CustomDrag...
These copy and paste commands must be done with your mouse cursor somewhere inside the workspace. Otherwise, the software will assume that you're trying to copy and paste something in one of the various panels/menus. This will give you the two objects you need for the next section. ...
Blender Secrets 688 - Copy _ Paste Topology for Faster Modeling.mp4 Blender Secrets 689 - 5 Methods for adding Edge Loops (Boundary Protection for Sub D modeling).mp4 Blender Secrets 690 - Detailed Cylinder using Modifiers.mp4 Blender Secrets 691 - Easy Propeller (Updated!).mp4 Blender Secrets...