blender -b file.blend -f 20 -- --cycles-device CPU Note Unlike the generic options, the Cycles-specific ones must be passed on the end of the command line, following a double dash. --cycles-device CPU Override the device that is used to render frames. Currently supported options areCPU...
所以, You can change the options of the object in the :ref:`ui-undo-redo-adjust-last-operation` panel just after creating it:翻译为: 用户可以在创建物体后在 :ref:`ui-undo-redo-adjust-last-operation` 面板中更改该物体的选项: 菜单 菜单使用:menuselection:为标识符,如果:menuselection:前或第二...
constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1, release_confirm=True) Listing1-1.Command Log OutputfromTranslation Along x-Axis 清单1-1 中的输出显示我们从bpy.ops子模块的transform类中调用了translate()函数。这些参数相当...
The interesting thing is that the output of the shader is symmetrical when rendered with other stereo options, including Above-Below and without stereo. I asked for help in a Blender Stackexchange post and on the Blenderartists forum. Moguri from the forum came up with this patch that fixes ...
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later [tool.autopep8] # Configuration for `autopep8`, allowing the command: autopep8 . # to reformat all source files. # # NOTE: the settings defined here map directly to command line arguments # which will override these settings when passed in ...
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} version: bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=ENUM_Version) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): scn = context.scene settings = scn.grt_unreal_module_settings if settings.root == None and settings.tweak == None and settings.deform == None: return True def ...
Removed most ACES colorspaces that are rarely used within blender so it would be easier to select from dropdown list Added alias colorspaces with same names as in original blender configs to preserve compatibility with assets created in vanilla blender ...
Options:-d<file>:dump bytecode -z<file>:makebytecode release -p<file>:parse and print nekosource-doc<file>:makedocumentation -o<dir>:setoutput directory -console:run the console -link<file>:linkbytecodes files -v:verbose mode -version:setthe bytecode version ...
See the documentation below on these options, but at the bare minimum set the GitHub username and repository.Note that many of the settings are assigned in the register() function to avoid having excess updater-related code in the addon’s ...