Combine the 3D object's multiple materials (colors) into a single texture that can be applied to the model. Export the optimized 3D object as a GLB file that can be used in Dynamics 365 Guides and Power Apps.The combination of reducing polygons and turning multiple materials into a single...
Blender Secrets 269 - Combine UV maps from multiple objects (Blender 2.7 & 2.8).mp4 Blender Secrets 270 - Hide vertices from proportional editing (Blender 2.7 & 2.8).mp4 Blender Secrets 271 - Textured Spotlight (Blender 2.7 & 2.8).mp4 Blender Secrets 272 - Turn on Auto Smooth for all obje...
Texture atlas is the process of combining multiple textures into one to drastically reduce draw calls and therefore make your model much more performant Create Atlas Combines all selected materials into one texture. If no material list is generated it will combine all materials. Generate Material Lis...
Modify multiple objects, sculpt tools, and various features to help use Blender. - GitHub - Mainman002/blender-tmg-mod-tools: Modify multiple objects, sculpt tools, and various features to help use Blender.
Snapping to grid: HoldCtrlwhile moving an object to snap its position to the nearest grid point. Combine this with the middle mouse button to constrain movement along a specific axis while snapping to the grid. Rotating Objects Rotating objects in Blender is a breeze, and the middle mouse but...
Blender has a handy script built-in that lets us export multiple selected objects in our scene as separate objects. I remember mentioning this principle in abeefy article focussing on Unreal Engine workflow, but thought it would be neat to turn it into its own article. Here it is!
Texture atlas is the process of combining multiple textures into one to drastically reduce draw calls and therefore make your model much more performant Create Atlas Combines all selected materials into one texture. If no material list is generated it will combine all materials. Generate Material Lis...
Re. shape keys : I don't know it that would be of any help, but : merging two models brings in the shape keys of one into the other, similarly to how merging models preserves skin weight data. Not sure if that is precisely what you are after, but perhaps this could be a hint at...
After that you need to test one of these two tool: the first is calledMidasand allow users to generate depth map by original image and the second is calledLeia Pix Converterthat can do also animation where you can set different parameters (speed, motion, blur). ...
Blender are a wrapped mesh wire frame. The text is a whole different animal and you can't simply combine it with the primatives. To convert the text to a mesh (it will no longer be editable in the text dialog area), do the following. After doing this, you can combine the objects....