许久没有更新文章了,刚好最近准备开始学习blender,整理了一份快捷键清单,欢迎大家补充 功能快捷键布局(Layout)左键单击(Left Click)[LEFT CLICK](左键单击)右键单击(Right Click)[RIGHT CLICK](右键单…
Aren’t sure if the texture is right? Click the preview icon on any texture to see it temporarily applied to the selected object. Documentation & Tutorials Become a power user by learning how to tweak materials, change import options and more. ...
全选物体:A 框选物体:B 反选物体:Ctrl+I 删除物体:X 重复上一步操作:Shift+R 游标 游标:Shift+...
changes size of selected object based on mouse movement Deletedeletes selected object Assign materialsassigns material by color of collection useful when you change holds collection and want to see actual color based on collections Documentation
To set the position of the 3D cursor in your scene, click on your scene with the left mouse button. To reset your 3D cursor to the origin, choose Object > Snap > Cursor to Center; if you’re a fan of keyboard shortcuts, hit Shift + S > Cursor to Center. ...
/** Simple subclass of Link. Use this when it is not worth defining a custom one. */ typedef struct LinkData { struct LinkData *next, *prev; void *data; } LinkData; /** Never change the size of this! dna_genfile.c detects pointer_size with it. */ ...
Ability to change light power in the material previsualisation window: added a power factor parameter for the lights and another parameter to set the color of the lights themselves to experiment with different lighting conditions on the material Ability to change previsualisation object size: with th...
As mentioned above,Blender downloadlets users customize the layout of the program based on their needs. That means you canchange the layout, fonts, colors, and size of the interface. Once you update the settings, you will have access to the layout that you’ve created across all your device...
# when you start default Blender project, first object in scene is a Cube kostka = scene.objects[0] # you can change location of object simply by setting the values kostka.location = (1,2,0) # same with rotation kostka.rotation_euler = (45,0,0) ...
When you enter the edit mode you are in, the mesh of the object, this is where you can change shape of each vertice of the object. We are going to rotate this plane so it is face to us (in th ZX plane) Type R X 90 (rotate along x axis 90°) and click anywhere in the scen...