旧版本cats-blender-plugin只支持2.93以下版本,在使用3.X以上版本会报错,直接修改代码的方式依然有问题,虽然不会再报错,但是使用fix model时骨骼会乱,其实已经有人接手进行维护,发布了支持3.5以下的新版本,在github中原项目cats-blender-plugin分支选择development进行打包下载。 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/14G...
1.打开blender,选择“编辑”->“偏好设置” 2.选择“插件”->“安装” 3.选择“cats-blender-plugin-0-19-0.zip”,注意这里,不需要解压cats-blender-plugin-0-19-0.zip,选择解压后的文件反而安装插件失败,切记! 4.插件安装好后,需要重启blender软件,然后选择“文件”->“导入”->MiluMiluDance Model(.pmd...
Download the plugin:Cats Blender Plugin Important: Do NOT extract the downloaded zip! You will need the zip file during installation! Install the addon in blender like so: This shows Blender 2.79. In Blender 2.80+ go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons. Also you don't need to save the user...
Download the plugin: Cats Blender Plugin Important: Do NOT extract the downloaded zip! You will need the zip file during installation! Install the addon in blender like so: This shows Blender 2.79. In Blender 2.80+ go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons. Also you don't need to save the...
2.Blender官网:https://www.blender.org/download/ 3.Steam平台 Blender必装插件 1.maya插件(如果用过maya想快速入门) https://youtu.be/i7a8HjV9-kk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJGliDhBCq8 2.Cats插件(MMD玩家福音,自带MMD_toos插件) https://github.com/michaeldegroot/cats-blender-plugin 3....
插件下载地址:https://github.com/absolute-quantum/cats-blender-plugin 二、如何改动该工具使其能在Blender3.5后版本使用 注:由于该插件长期未更新,可在一些地方不兼容新版本,建议使用Blender2.8 将该工具导入新版本后启用会报错 导入后启用报错出现的画面 ...
Check out the wiki for more information:https://github.com/GiveMeAllYourCats/cats-blender-plugin/wiki/Bake Added Smart Decimation! This lets you decimate without loosing any shapekeys! Full credit goes tofeilen! Tons of thanks for this awesome feature as well <3 ...
mmd_tools is not required! Cats comes pre-installed with it! If you have custom Python installed which Blender might use, you need to have Numpy installedInstallationDownload the plugin: Cats Blender Plugin Important: Do NOT extract the downloaded zip! You will need the zip file during instal...
https://download.blender.org/release/ 注意:我安装的是旧版blender-2.83.0-windows64(不要安装新版,否则下面的操作可能报错) 语言设置 下载Cats Blender Plugin 插件 用途:将.pmx转为.fbx格式 https://github.com/absolute-quantum/cats-blender-plugin ...