317.Blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 317 -面部表情的形状键 Shape Keys for Facial Expressions 00:54 323.Blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 323 -相机校准与fSpy附加组件 Camera Calibration with fSpy 01:07 337.Blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 337 - How to use IES lights (Blender 2.8) 00:58 336....
没有字幕记得踢我 up电脑太好了,只能用2.79 分节:(up也没看,加上不了解术语,翻译可能有误) 0:18 Basics 基础 1:31 Screencast Keys 截屏/屏幕录制(我也不知道)快捷键 1:52 Preferences 偏好设置 3:40 Vertices 顶点 3:55 Select My Vertices 选择顶点 5:22 Shortcut Keys 快捷键 7:00 Camera View ...
blender快捷键1(Blender shortcut 1).doc,blender快捷键1(Blender shortcut 1) [Numeric keypad 0] [Camera view, 0 like a camera box] [+ numeric keypad 0] switch and match the camera to the current view [Numeric keypad 1] [Front view] [Numeric keypad 3] [T
Shortcut Keys Link Select a node, then hold D and drag the cursor to another node's center, you can link all available widgets between them Search Widgets By pressing R when the cursor is near a widget, a pie menu will display all nodes that have this widget Mask Link Hold F and dra...
Blender Secrets 324 - Camera Projection Mapping (Blender 2.8).mp4 Blender Secrets 325 - Download any terrain data for free (Blender 2.8).mp4 Blender Secrets 326 - Fix missing (pink) textures (Blender 2.8).mp4 Blender Secrets 327 - Maximum Undo and Picking Shortcut (Blender 2.8).mp4 Blender...
Lights, camera, Blender! If you're an aspiring filmmaker or a video editing enthusiast, you know the power of a well-placed camera angle in creating captivating visuals. Whether you're working on a short film, animation project, or even a product showcas
# useful shortcut scene = bpy.context.scene # this shows you all objects in scene scene.objects.keys() # when you start default Blender project, first object in scene is a Cube kostka = scene.objects[0] # you can change location of object simply by setting the values ...
Code Issues Pull requests ⌨️ Digital flashcards for memorizing Blender's shortcut keys. blender3d blender svelte blender-3d 3d-modelling sveltejs svelte-v3 svelte3 blender28 Updated Sep 19, 2020 Svelte theoldben / ToggleNormalMaps Star 21 Code Issues Pull requests Blender Add-On to...
the camera and the light source to see how it highlights them. While highlighted, if you again right-click, they will stick to your mouse and move, until you left click to place them. If you really want to get fancy, click one of the x, y or z keys to constrain the movement to ...
We can constrain how we move, scale and rotate (transform) objects using keyboard shortcuts, and also by moving the cursor further from, or closer to the object in question. 14. Transforming Objects Part 3 More Precision The Shift and Control keys let us move very precisely: degree by degr...