instance:mesh,closePath:false,closeArray:false}); 16 //上面的更新重绘是默认重算法线方向的,这与直接修改顶点数据不同 17 //清空法线 18 DeleteMeshes([lines_normal]); 19 //更新选取顶点表示 20 PickPoints(arr,mesh); 21 } 22 //需要一些生成变化矩阵的方法...
array((0,0,1)) vec_1 = (pos_2-pos_1) / length center = (pos_2+pos_1)/2 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(radius=0.1, depth = length, end_fill_type='NOTHING', location=center) bond = bpy.context.object = 'bond' bond.rotation_euler = self....
value: 0 }); //在动画键30处(自动画fps = 30开始1秒后),rotation.y的值为2PI,表示完整旋转 wheelKeys.push({ frame: 30, value: 2 * Math.PI }); //设置按键 animWheel.setKeys(wheelKeys); //将此动画链接到右后轮 wheelRB.animations = []; wheelRB.animations.push(animWheel); //开始...
self.first_angle = numpy.copy(self.rotation_vector) # set bone rotation/positions bones =["RIG-Vincent"].pose.bones # head rotation bones["head_fk"].rotation_euler[0] = self.smooth_value("h_x", 5, (self.rotation_vector[0] - self.first_angle[0])) / 1 # Up/Do...
Java第5天学习内容: 数组(array) 一、数组的定义和使用 理解:数组是用来存储多个元素的容器。 特点: 1)数组是一种引用数据类型 2)同一数组中元素的数据类型是一致的 3)数组在堆内存中一旦被创建其长度就不可改变 数组的元素访问 索引: 数组为每一个元素分配的了一个编号,这个编号专业术语叫做【索引】,索引从...
defdraw_bonds(self):foratom_1,atom_2inself.bonds:pos_1=np.array(self.coords[atom_1])pos_2=np.array(self.coords[atom_2])length=np.linalg.norm(pos_2-pos_1)# 向量长度vec_0=np.array((0,0,1))vec_1=(pos_2-pos_1)/length# 单位向量center=(pos_2+pos_1)/2# 中点坐标
Description FBX loader does not load models exported from blender when the animation contains a rotation. Only translation works fine. Also export from other DCC (3ds Max) works. Tested with Blender 3.6 and 3ds Max 2020 and r160 Orginial...
支持软件Blender 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 The Radial Array tool is a program generator for creating copies of circular patterns. With the Radial Array tool, you can easily create clones around active objects or 3d cursors. Configure translation, rotation, and scaling on each axis. All values can be set... : Use inverted rotation matrix for array Jan 3, 2021 cutter_demo1.blend : Add hint label shape actions Jan 5, 2021 cutter_demo1.blend1 : Add hint label shape actions Jan 5, 2021 cutter_demo2.blend : Symmetrize selected parts of mesh ...
frommathimportsin,cosdefrotate_stroke(stroke,angle,axis='z'):# Define rotation matrix based on axisifaxis.lower()=='x':transform_matrix=np.array([[1,0,0],[0,cos(angle),-sin(angle)],[0,sin(angle),cos(angle)]])elifaxis.lower()=='y':transform_matrix=np.array([[cos(angle),0,...