编辑 Object物体 应用Apply Ctrl-A https://docs.blender.org/manual/zh-hans/dev/scene_layout/object/editing/apply.html 编辑 物体,编辑,姿态 吸附Snap Shift-S https://docs.blender.org/manual/zh-hans/dev/scene_layout/object/editing/snap.html 编辑 Object/Edit 复制Duplicate Shift-D https://docs.bl...
当单击Apply Scale应用属性之后,Scale属性将自动应用缩放的修改,把属性值重置为1,如图2-45右图所示。 图2-45 Apply(应用)属性Clear:它是与Apply(应用)相反的一个功能,用于清除对物体做的形变等操作。其中位移重置快捷键为Alt+G,转动重置为Alt+R,缩放重置为Alt+S,原点重置为Alt+O。如图2-46所示为Clear(清除)...
Shape 形状 P (0-1) Material Index 材料指标 Harden Normals 硬化法向 H Clamp Overlap 限制重叠 C Loop Slide 环切线滑移 Mark标记 \Seams 接缝 U Mark \Sharp 锐利 K Miter Outer 斜接外表面 O Inner 内 I Spread 扩散
3 Reasons to use our Blender Addon #1: No more browser The power to search, download and import Poliigon assets from inside Blender. #2: One-click import Say goodbye to tedious setups and complicated import settings. This addon does it for you in one-click. ...
Ctrl+A + scale -- apply + scale 应用中缩放比例重置为1(就会使物体在不变情况下,缩放比例重置为1)这是重要的习惯!!!重要的事说三遍!! 如何将弧形面变得圆滑和还原,右键+smooth / flat smooth用于有机的物体,水,流体等圆滑物体 flat用于建筑,石头等锯齿状面物体 smooth...
Plus there is the Amazing Dirt Group Node, which adds altitude mapped and ambient occlusion dirt to any material. While the materials can be "appended" via Blender 2.8, the System comes complete with many courses walking you through how best to install and use the Materials and the System. ...
图 2-45 Apply 〔应用〕属性 Clear :它是与 Apply 〔应用〕相反的一个功能,用于清除对物体做的形变等操作。其中位移重置快捷键为 Alt+G ,转动重置为 Alt+R ,缩放重置为 Alt+S ,原点重置为 Alt+O 。如图 2-46 所示为 Clear 〔清除〕功能的二级菜单。 Mirror :镜像工具,将当前物体按坐标轴做镜像变化,...
然后选中(可以在菜单面板选中)按 M -> New Collection: 然后同样是把这个 Collection 拖入,这样选: 此时得到了这样的: 为糖针添加材质 先给其中一个添加材质 然后选择其余的糖针,最后再选这个有材质的,Ctrl + L :link material 此时他们共享了同一个材质。 想让甜甜圈随机一些颜色,我们可以这样连节点(我们这里...
A great collection of the best character assets can be found in the Reallusion Content Store, click-and-apply them for immediate professional looking results. Explore more in the Content Store > SMART HAIR OUTFIT ACCESSORY BLENDER Create Outfit and Accessories ...
Live sequence back to CC4/iClone takes facial expression bone rotations into account. Live Sequence stop button. Replace mesh function: Quickly send (non topology changing) mesh alterations back to CC4. Update material & texture function: Send selected material data and textures back to CC4. ...