3.找到我们需要汉化的插件 OCD (One Click Damage) V2.0,在这里查看它的插件安装位置。 C:\Users\maomao\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\ocd_addon 4.找到 OCD 插件的安装位置后,我们来到 User Translate 汉化插件,选择“Extract text from .py in a folder”(意思是多个.py ...
2. Manual. In manual mode, throw the last folder with the addition into one of the directories. Official branch - C: \ Program Files \ Blender Foundation \ Blender 2.82 \ 2.82 \ scripts \ addons Comminity branch - C: \ Users \ DM224 \ AppData \ Roaming \ Blender Foundation \ Blende...
5.在unreal中,打开python一款免费插件blender的控制台,window-Developer Tools-Python Console 6.在python Console中粘贴刚才复制的命令unreal_engine.py_exec(r”C:\[Folder]\ImportSequencerScript.py”),Folder就是脚本的位置,默认在ExporterFbx文件夹中blender文件的位置 7.回车就可以看到我们的物件已经被导进unreal...
3.找到我们需要汉化的插件OCD (One Click Damage) V2.0这里查看它的插件安装位置。 C:\Users\maomao\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\ocd_addon 4.找到OCD插件安装位置以后,我们来到User Translate汉化插件这里选择Extract text from .py in a folder(意思是多个.py文件)如果是单个的...
安装完成后,您会看到User Translate的插件界面。此时,请暂时忽略它,转而找到需要汉化的OCD插件安装位置。通常,这个位置在类似于“C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\版本号\scripts\addons\插件名”的路径下。 接下来,在User Translate插件中选择“Extract text from .py in a folder”选...
This project depends on the addons folder; do not rename this folder. When packaging an add-on, the framework will generate a init.py file in the add-on directory. By copying bl_info, and importing the register and unregister method from your target addon's init.py. Usually this won't...
Then link myou-blender-plugin to Blender addons folder. Replace [Path to myou-blender-plugin] to the full local path of the repository.Windows (cmd or cygwin)cmd /c mklink /j "%APPDATA%/Blender Foundation/Blender/2.71/scripts/addons/myou-blender-plugin" "[Path to myou-blender-plugin]...
Confirm or change default Poliigon library folder. This is where files will download to and import from* * You can select add additional library folders in user preferences at any time Poliigon Unlimited Plans If you have anunlimited planactive, the addon behaves differently in a few ways: ...
This will create a new folder on your drive. Usually that would be the folder for the addon, but in this case the addon folder is in the addons subfolder: hubs-blender-exporter\addons\io_hubs_addon The idea now is to go to the place where Blender addons are being installed and crea...
6.在python Console中粘贴刚才复制的命令unreal_engine.py_exec(r”C:\[Folder]\ImportSequencerScript.py”),Folder就是脚本的位置,默认在ExporterFbx文件夹中blender文件的位置 7.回车就可以看到我们的物件已经被导进unreal啦 更多功能可戳:https://github.com/xavier150/Blender-For-UnrealEngine-Addons ...