3.找到我们需要汉化的插件 OCD (One Click Damage) V2.0,在这里查看它的插件安装位置。 C:\Users\maomao\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\ocd_addon 4.找到 OCD 插件的安装位置后,我们来到 User Translate 汉化插件,选择“Extract text from .py in a folder”(意思是多个.py ...
Please clone the git repository into the blender/VERSION/scripts/addons/ folder of your local blender installation. Afterwards, you can activate the add-on at File -> User Preferences -> Add-ons -> Render. Once activated, the add-on can be found at the left menu of the '3D View' wind...
3.找到我们需要汉化的插件OCD (One Click Damage) V2.0这里查看它的插件安装位置。 C:\Users\maomao\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\ocd_addon 4.找到OCD插件安装位置以后,我们来到User Translate汉化插件这里选择Extract text from .py in a folder(意思是多个.py文件)如果是单个的...
BlenderAddOns This is a collection of Blender AddOns I've written. They are all licensed under the MIT license. Installation Compress the folder of the desired add-on in a .zip file. In Blender, go to Edit - Preferences - Add-ons - Install... and select the .zip file. AddOns Expor...
Add-ons are sorted by category. Installation *: 1. Automatic. Try to install the required add-on through the manager. If not, then. Unpack from the ZIP archive to the final folder, namely the one that contains the files, and pack back into ZIP. Avoid periods in the name (replace ...
6.在python Console中粘贴刚才复制的命令unreal_engine.py_exec(r”C:\[Folder]\ImportSequencerScript.py”),Folder就是脚本的位置,默认在ExporterFbx文件夹中blender文件的位置 7.回车就可以看到我们的物件已经被导进unreal啦 更多功能可戳:https://github.com/xavier150/Blender-For-UnrealEngine-Addons...
General information: Folder for Blender Addon and Documentation: C:\Program Files\Simcenter Prescan\Prescan_2311\ModelDepo\blender_addons Software needed: Blender 2.90.1 (3D Model freeware tool) it can also work with newer version but is not tested. ...
2."Clean 'rsrc' folder" (清除”rsrc“文件夹)属性——勾选此功能,会把 "conversion_tools/rsrc"中的内容清空,然后执行转换3."CONVERT CURRENT SCS PROJECT"(转换当前的SCS项目)——将写入当前的 "SCS Project Base Path"到"extra_mount.txt"文件中并执行转换注意:上述的这种用法将转换在"conversion_tools/...
2. 寻找需要汉化的插件“OCD”,通过插件安装位置路径进行查找,通常路径为:C:\Users\maomao\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\ocd_addon。3. 选定“OCD”插件后,使用“Extract text from .py in a folder”功能进行文本提取。4. 复制提取的文本并粘贴到文档中。5. ...
https : //github.com/imageio/imageio-binaries/tree/master/freeimage 只需下载适合您系统的版本并将其粘贴到: your_addons_folder / BlenderGIS / core / lib / imageio / resources / freeimage /(如果需要,必须创建freeimage子文件夹) 另外下载:FreeImage-3.15.1-win64.dll 这个文件,统一放在freeimage子文...