blender-addon-buildPublic GitHub action to build Blender add-on and store the installable .zip artifact in the end. 4MIT410UpdatedFeb 10, 2025 headless-blender-containerPublic Headless Blender in container. Container with single version of Blender, or multi-version container for situations when you...
设置几何节点之后材质无效:参考StackOverflow上“Material Not Showing on Objects Using Geometry Nodes”的答案,将最后的组输出前面插入一个“材质-设置材质”,然后选择需要的材质即可。
MCprep is a Blender python addon to make Minecraft renders and animations easier. Fix materials, import mob rigs, swap skins, and more.
Showing 2 changed files with 21 additions and 17 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified blender/addons io_scene_fmod Binary file modified BIN +50 Bytes (110%) blender/addons/ Binary file not shown. 38 changes: 21 ...
This can result in the exported object not showing changes ingame. (some informations about forcing LOD can be found here: thx toUberGrainy) ...
The Status bar replaces the default header of tools in the 3D view until you confirm the alignment or exit the interactive mode. To toggle its visibility, just use the shortcut (H). The Status bar on the header area as seen in the 3D view....
Fixed the addon to work with Blender 2.82. The new Blender release introduced internal changes to the way active tools are listed in the API. This prevented Pro Align Tools to initialize normally, showing a blank canvas with no widgets and no response. ...
Clemens Beute has released the free 3D Flow Map Painter addon to his Gumroad. This addon allows to paint flow maps and contains material setups showing how to…
Chrome is showing a warning about an unsupported feature If chrome says something like "Unsupported command line, security will suffer", don't mind. This is due to the--disable-gpu-sandboxflag, but it is just a warning, it should not be a problem for what we are doing. ...
context menu is a perfectly fine place to add this. I think initially I added it also to the 3d view object menu, but that got changed at some point - guess to not litter the menus too much. Would be easy to get this back tho, or make an option for this in the addon preferences...