图片上下的箭头切换类别,左右的箭头切换HDRI图 插件预安装了很多HDRI贴图并进行了分类 2.选择一张HDRI图,选择尺寸,点击添加即可在场景中看到HDRI效果(渲染视图) 3.打开Background Controls,将Hdri Projected前面的框打勾,并点击Add-Synch sun添加一只主光源(之前建议将其他灯光删除) 添加HDRI球和太阳主光源 右上角的...
可以快速加载和调用自己的HDRI文件,也有一些基础参数可以控制 Easy HRDI is a free Blender add-on that will help you to load and test your HDRI images quickly. This version is compatible with Blender 2.81 and above. Preview all the HDR images in a folder of your choice. You have the ability ...
Use "shift+A" to add an "Environment Texture" node. Connect it to the color of the "Background" node. Upload your selected HDRI to the "Environment Texture" node. The HDRI should fill the world space. At this point, you can delete the default lights if you'd like. You can also ad...
还有一个HDRI处理器,可以组织您的HDRI,并允许您在不使用节点编辑器的繁琐操作下进行切换。 那些在Blender中追求美丽照明效果的艺术家们一定会喜欢这个插件。 5、RetopoFlow Blender提供了一套强大的雕刻工具,用于塑造精细详细的3D模型。 要为这些高分辨率对象添加动画,艺术家必须使用一种称为重拓扑的过程创建另一个更简...
Use JPG for background- If checked, the default import operation will a different background resolution as specified below Default HDRI Background Resolution- The default background resolution for HDRIs if "Use JPG for background" is enabled. This value will only effect the scene background, no...
这个插件能够很方便地节省用户的时间。它允许用户创建自定义面板,可以包含所创建的材质、场景、HDRI 和其他资产等等,也可以创建HDRI地图库,这对场景实验和实现资产跟踪非常重要。 地址:https://blendermarket.com/products/asset-management/ FLIP Fluids 一款可以轻松生成布料或液体等复杂表面的模拟效果,尅可以控制流体的...
Step into the world of HDRi Maker and take your 3D models to new heights With true ground projection and shadow capture, you can really bring your animations to life inside the Dome. Add a masterstroke to your 3D model Transform a simple background into a unique, realistic background that ...
The notice for no internet connection now properly dismisses itself upon reconnection Improved the error reporting system so we can better identify and solve errors occurring in background threads Monday, October 07, 2024 v1.9.0 Blender 2.83 - 4.2 Read More Log InCreate Free Account HDRIs...
In Blender, the world defines the environment in which the scene is. There is a surface shader, which sets the lighting as either a fixed color, HDRI texture, or a sky model. In this section, we'll cover another convenient way to add lighting into Blender. ...