037.blender技巧篇扩展中文版037-添加边缘循环而不破坏你的UV布局Add Edge Loops Without Destroying Your UV 01:48 036.blender技巧篇扩展中文版036 -生成UV Generated UV's 01:32 035.blender技巧篇扩展中文版035 - 三角面转换成四边面快捷方式Convert Tris To Quads With One Shortcut 01:05 034.blender...
092.blender技巧篇扩展中文版092 - blender2.8键盘快捷键Blender 2.8 Keyboard Shortcuts 44 -- 1:06 App 263.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 263 - 关键帧动画渲染可见性Keyframe Animate Render Visibili 226 -- 1:10 App 053.blender技巧篇扩展中文版053 -偏移边线 Offset Edge Slide 15 -- 1:53 App ...
注意:edge/face collapse(边/面塌陷操作)这个操作在Delete的子栏目中,这个和Maya/Max的想法功能归类不太一样。 8)其他一般操作都在侧边栏和上面的按钮中。 6. 快捷键设置方法:(初级) 在需要的功能图标或者词条上右键按下任意快捷键组合(例如:这里我们设置为ctrl+K)之后鼠标悬停在该按钮上即可看到 shortcut:ctrl...
Blender Secrets 035 - Convert Tris To Quads With One Shortcut.mp4 Blender Secrets 036 - Generated UV's.mp4 Blender Secrets 037 - Add Edge Loops Without Destroying Your UV Layout.mp4 Blender Secrets 038 - Knife Project (and Matcaps).mp4 Blender Secrets 039 - Make Seamless Textures Easily In...
Add another edge in the middle of this shape through a Loop Cut (Ctrl + R) and use the vertices on this edge to refine the shape of our model. Animals aren’t just squares, so we are using this extra edge and set of vertices to add any curves that are along the stomach and bac...
rightclick viewport context menus or the default shortcut Ctrl-E / Ctrl-V. Tools Set Flow: My stab at implementing a set flow operator for blender, which is a popular tool in many 3d applications. This adjusts the edgeloop via a spline interpolation such that it respects the flow of the...
It always starts in the centre of the edge and you have to drag it across, plus you have to keep restarting the tool after every cut. Also, Swiftloop has SetFlow built into it. Swiftloop Swiftloop Also, another way to add segments on cylinders is the Loop Tools>Circle. You can ...
It may look a little awkward at this stage. Press tab to enter Edit Mode. Use keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+R" to Loop Cut, and add additional edges to sharpen the creases in the bottle. Add the edges around the base of the neck, the underside of the rim, and the top of the rim. ...
To add segments, locate the Loop Cut and Slide function on the left-hand side of the screen, as shown: image If you dont found the Loop Cut and Slide function. Be sure you are in EditMode. Selecting Vertices, Edges, and Faces
Now, delete that default cube, “shift+a” to add a new one, tab into edit mode and let’s try some tools! Extrude tool Can be used with: Edges, Faces, Vertices Shortcut: E The extrude tool is one of the most common modeling tools. Select one or more elements of your mesh and ...