1.blended latent diffusion中使用的是stable diffusion架构,而blened diffusion中使用的是DDPM,前者在latent space进行去噪过程后者在pixel space进行去燥过程,前者算法执行速度要远快于后者 2.blended latent diffusion中舍弃了利用CLIP loss将text-prompt引入到模型的方式(classifier guidance),而采用了stable diffusion中...
文章可以说是blended diffusion的升级版,利用了文本到图像潜在扩散模型(LDM),通过在较低维潜在空间中运行扩散并消除在每个扩散步骤中需要资源密集型的CLIP梯度计算的需求,从而加快了扩散速度。 文章同时提出可以微调decoder的权重实现根据语义需要进行背景重建或者不重建;同时文章提出了progressive mask的方式,逐渐缩小mask至...
In this paper, we propose to adapt a image-level blended latent diffusion model to perform local video editing tasks. Specifically, we leverage DDIM inversion to acquire the latents as background latents instead of the randomly noised ones to better preserve the background information of the ...
The implement for paper : "A Novel Approach to Industrial Defect Generation through Blended Latent Diffusion Model with Online Adaptation" - GrandpaXun242/AdaBLDM