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We recommend you reference the complete information included with your product before consumption and do not rely solely on the details shown on this page. For more information, please see our full disclaimer. Customers Also Bought These Products Healthy Origins Pycnogenol® -- 100 mg - 60 V…...
(SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) in a randomized complete block design with the pig as the experimental unit. The statistical model included diet as the main effect and block as random effect. Treatment means were separated by using the LSMEANS statement and the PDIFF option of PROC ...
PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Belbekhouche S et al (2019) Chitosan based self-assembled nanocapsules as antibacterial agent. Colloids Surf B 181:158–165 CAS Google Scholar Arif M et al (2021) A complete characterization of microalgal biomass through FTIR/TGA/CHNS analysis: An approach...
making this class of proteins particularly susceptible to large cell size variations. A quantitative and practical measure of such variability is provided by LCV and aLCV. Groups of data with small values of these quantities can normally be merged into more complete and redundant data, usingsynthesi...