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将“blefaritis"翻译成德文 Blepharitis是将“blefaritis"翻译成 德文。 blefaritis+ 加 罗曼什文-德文字典 Blepharitis noun fem. Lidentzündung Martin Götz 显示算法生成的翻译 加 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“blefaritis"翻译成 德文 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。
Demodex y Blefaritis cronica. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2005;80:635-42.Rodriguez AE, Ferrer C, Alio JL. Demodex y blefaritis cronica. Arch Soc Esp Oftal- mol. 2005;80:635.Rodriguez AE, Ferrer C, Alio JL. Demodex y Blefaritis cronica. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2005; 80: 635-42....
Tia palpebral con blefaritis por Microsporum canisEyelid infection due to dermatophytes is uncommon, but it should be considered among the diagnostic suspicions of palpebral skin lesions. The microbiological study is a key factor for its diagnosis and appropriate treatment....
Treatment of Ivermectin Lymphoma with Demdex and Other BlefaritisSummary: Lymphadenitis refers to eyelid and eyelash infections. Symptoms include Prout, red hair, eyelid and eyelash loss.There is no specific treatment for Demodex infection. Demodex is a parasite that penetrates the eyelids, eyelashes ...
Methods: All patients with microscopic evidence for Demodex blepharitis were informed about the currently...doi:10.1016/j.oftal.2015.11.017Sánchez Espa?aJ.C.Elsevier España, S.L.U.Archivos De La Sociedad Espanola De Oftalmologia
Sondaje intraductal de las glándulas de Meibomio para el tratamiento de blefaritis posterior severaBlepharitisProbingGlandMeibomianCannulasTreatmentTo describe the results of the meibomian gland probing as a treatment of severe posterior blepharitis. Prospective, longitudinal study of patients with signs and...