a plant, Dicentra eximia, of the fumitory family, native to the eastern coast of the U.S., having elongated clusters of drooping, heart-shaped rose-colored or pink flowers.QUIZ Impress Your Beau With This Quiz On Endearment Terms It’s a lot of fun to refer to your special someone by ...
bleeding heart (n.) name applied to several types of flowering plant, 1690s; see bleeding (adj.) + heart (n.). In the American English sense of "person liberally and excessively sympathetic" (especially toward those the speaker or writer deems not to deserve it) is attested by 1936 in ...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: sangrarpurgar bleed [bliːd] (bled (pt, pp)) A. VI 1. (from cut, wound)→ sangrar; [tree]→ exudarhis nose is bleeding→ le sangra la narizto bleed to death→ morir desangradomy heart bleeds for him (iro)→ ¡qué pena me da! 2. [co...