heater, then scouring and bleaching the gray fabric in an enzyme oxygen scouring and bleaching solution, neutralizing and washing the gray fabric by utilizing organic acid, washing the gray fabric by utilizing cold water, dewatering the fabric, and drying the fabric by utilizing a drying machine....
(a) Example of a pIR-IRSL225decay curve suffering from thermal lag, observed seen as initial rise in the signal, due to a delay in the rock slice reaching equilibrium with the heater (measurement) temperature. (b) IRSL stimulation and emission spectra taken from Prasadet al.38. The 350–...
The increase in temperature obtained with the heater/mixer 12 before the second phase is in the range 10-30° C., which gives a starting temperature for the second step in the range 90±10° C. The tower of downward flow has a volume that, when hydraulically filled with pulp, gives ...