Help your fellow players for rewards! Ask and answer questions about Brave Souls on social media to enter! Which character should I use? Which accessory should I equip? How can I get Super Link Slot Potions? This is your chance to ask veteran players que
Login during the event period to get in-game items like Droplets of each Attribute x300, Link Slot Potions of each Attribute (Excluding Rainbow) x250, Super Link Slot Potions of each Attribute (Excluding Rainbow) x150, and more! Poll SELECTION 2021 Step-Up Summons Event Period:Saturday, Decem...
KLab, talking about the new achievement system, said that it is a new feature that will make it easier for players to enjoyBleach: Brave Soulswith its permanent bonuses. These permanent effects include claiming Spirit Orbs, Essence Scrolls, Super Link Slot Potions, and other items periodi...
With the new Bonus Ability update, Link Slot Levels from 11 to 20 are powered up with Droplets, Link Slot Potions, and Super Link Slot Potions. The last latter can be acquired from Epic Raid shop and Inheritance Trials, although at a limited amount. Players can only choose one bonus ...
Her unlockable skills are "Inheritance Zones Only Increased Power Link Slot Potions +5", "Berserker +20%", "Bruiser +20%", "Debilitator +5 secs.", "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy", "Guard Break", "Havoc +20%", and "Weaken Defense", while her Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Recharge ...
Which character should I use? Which accessory should I equip? How can I get Super Link Slot Potions? This is your chance to ask veteran players questions about the game! How to Enter 1. Follow the official Bleach: Brave Souls Twitter account (@Bleachbrs_en). ...
, "Devastation +40%", "Frenzy +1", "Heart Droplet Drop +30%", "Heart Link Slot Potions +5", "Increased Status Ailment Chance Against Heart Attribute Enemies +10%", "Sprinter +1", and "Super Heart Link Slot Potions +5", while his Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Recharge Time -12%"...
"Damage to Enemies Not Afflicted by an Ailment +100%", "Devastation +60%", "Frenzy +1", "Guard Break + Pierce Iron Skin", "Havoc +20%", "Mind Droplet Drop +30%", "Mind Link Slot Potions +5", and "Super Mind Link Slot Potions +5", while her Soul Trait is "Strong Attack Re...
↑ game; Bleach: Dark Souls ↑Bleachvideo game; Bleach: The Blade of Fate ↑Bleachnovel; Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World, Chapter 24 ↑Bleachanime; Episode 49 ↑Bleachmanga; Chapter 136, pages 8-10 ...
His unlockable skills are "Devastation +40%", "Party Technique Attribute Character Movement Speed +30%", "Coin Drop +70%", "Speed Link Slot Potions +5", "Super Speed Link Slot Potions +5", "Frenzy +2", "Debilitator +2", "Increased Status Ailment Chance Against Speed Attribute Enemies...