Bleach: Brave SoulsLoading Based on the BLEACH anime and Shonen Jump manga! DIVE INTO THE ACTION-PACKED WORLD OF BLEACHFrom the human-populated world of the living to the Soul Society, home of Soul Reapers and the spirits of the dead, the bleak realm of Hueco Mundo, where evil spirits kn...
人氣動漫BLEACH死神的首款手機‧PC(Steam/BlueStacks)遊戲BLEACH: Brave Souls的官方網站。本網站將介紹BLEACH: Brave Souls的「系統」、「角色」、「動畫」、「活動」等情報!
This is the Bleach: Brave Souls smartphone app and PC game (Steam/BlueStacks) official site. Here you can find information on the characters and gameplay, and watch videos from the game.
Bleach: Brave Souls is an action game based on Bleach for Android and iOS devices, Steam, PS4 (PS5 indirectly from backwards compatibility), Xbox One (XBS indirectly from backwards compatibility), and the Nintendo Switch. It was published by KLab Global
死神勇敢的灵魂(bleach brave souls)wiki官网为您带来死神勇敢的灵魂(bleach brave souls)从新手到高手的一切攻略内容,这是由大神玩家们制作的死神勇敢的灵魂(bleach brave souls)专属资料库,包含实时更新的死神勇敢的灵魂(bleach brave souls)人物图鉴和死神勇敢
The BLEACH Brave Souls Wikia is a collaborative community website about the BLEACH: Brave Souls video game, developed by KLabGames.
All your favorite characters from the BLEACH universe are here in Bleach: Brave Souls, an all-action anime game! Over 90 million downloads worldwide! The hit m…
Official Site X Account: Hashtag: #BraveSouls Facebook Instagram Recommended For - Fans of the original BLEACH anime and Shonen...
Official Site X Account: Hashtag: #BraveSouls Facebook Instagram Recommended For ...
“ Bleach Brave Souls” Google Play预注册应用程序 *只有从可以进行预注册的国家或地区访问时,才会显示预注册应用程序页面。 “ Bleach Brave Souls”亚洲地区发布列表(预定) 东亚(韩国,台湾,香港,澳门) ...