Files master ble_app_uart_c config device_manager_cnfg.h nrf_drv_config.h pstorage_platform.h pca10028 ble_uart_c.c ble_uart_c.h main.c .gitattributes .gitignore
ble_app_uart_c pca10056 ble_app_uart_c.eww main.c common s140_nrf52840_6.0.0-6.alpha .gitignore Breadcrumbs nrf52-ble-app-uart-long-range /ble_app_uart_c / main.c Latest commit too1 Both examples updated to advertise and connect over long range 89b184d· Hi...
ESP32 gattc_demo not able to find characteristics from nrf_ble server(ble_app_uart example) 1 post • Page1of1 yogeshwaran774 Posts:4 Joined:Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:07 pm Postbyyogeshwaran774»Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:44 am Hi i am trying to connect ESP32 with nrf chipset. Esp32 can...
a S120 example with gcc (SDKv6.0.0, S120v1.0.0). Contribute to NordicPlayground/ble_app_hrs_c_S120_gcc development by creating an account on GitHub.
*/ #define ECHOBACK_BLE_UART_DATA 1 /**< Echo the UART data that is received over the Nordic UART Service (NUS) back to the sender. */ BLE_NUS_C_ARRAY_DEF(m_ble_nus_c, NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT); /**< BLE Nordic UART Service (NUS) client instances. */ NRF_BLE_GATT...
ble_app_uart__saadc_timer_driven__scan_mode pca10040 pca10056 pca10100 main.c nrfx_saadc_continuous_sampling nrfx_saadc_multi_channel_ppi nrfx_saadc_simple_low_power_app_timer nrfx_saadc_simple_low_power_app_timer_multichannel_oversample ...
*/ static ble_nus_t m_nus; /**< Structure to identify the Nordic UART Service. */ static ble_opt_t m_static_pin_option; /**< Pointer to the struct containing static pin option. */ static dm_application_instance_t m_app_handle; /**< Application identifier allocated by device ...