这是机器翻译的内容 当我的 PSoC™ 4 外围设备尝试更改连接参数时,由于BLE_HCI_INSTANT_PASSED原因,我出现间歇性断开连接。 中心 MULTICH_CONNECT_PCB 中指定的原始连接参数为连接间隔 30ms、监督超时 500ms、外设延迟 0。这工作正常,但在服务发现过程的中途,外围设备尝试将这些更改为我在 BLE 组件中请求的内容...
The nordic responds but ultimately disconnects with the BLE_HCI_INSTANT_PASSED reason. While this has a low probability of occurring, we are seeing it frequently enough to be a nuisance. Our case is caused by the flash erase preventing reception of the first 6 ...
I'm getting intermittent disconnections with a BLE_HCI_INSTANT_PASSED reason, when my PSoC 4 peripheral tries to change the connection parameters. The original connection parameters specified in the central's CONNECT_IND are a connection interval of 30ms, a supervision timeout of 500ms, and a...
1.HCI作用: 蓝牙Host(蓝牙协议栈)跟蓝牙Controller(蓝牙芯片)之间交互的数据格式,蓝牙的SIG规定了四种与硬件连接的物理总线方式:USB、SDIO、UART和PC卡。 2. 数据格式以下几种类型: --- HCI command:由蓝牙协议栈给蓝牙芯片发送命令,来控制芯片行为,由OGF(Groups)和OCF两部分组成; ...
Android外围设备与状态代码BLE_HCI_INSTANT_PASSED(0x28)断开连接 、、、 我的应用程序能够成功地连接到BLE外围设备(这是一个OBDII/J 1939设备)。2018-01-24 14:58:38,413 INFO LogUtil - GATT Server Status = (0) : BLE_HCI_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS(0x00应用程序开始与设备通信,但经过一段时间后,它在o...
1.0x00 Success 2.Unknown HCI Command Unknown HCI Command错误代码表示Controller不理解主机发送的HCI命令包OpCode。 给出的OpCode可能与本文档中指定的任何OpCode或任何特定于供应商的OpCode不对应,或者该命令可能尚未实现 3.0x02 Unknown Connection Identifier ...
0x28 (BLE_HCI_INSTANT_PASSED) 0x08 (BLE_HCI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) Up0TrueDown Ammar N6 年多前in reply toaditya jadoun TI__Mastermind25810points I went back and saw the 0x28 disconnect in the logs. I'm sorry that I missed it the first time around....
【Bluetooth-BLE】 i BLE4.0 低功耗蓝牙协议总结 第一章 协议组成图 图 1-1 协议组成图 1.1、协议由HOST 层和 CONTROLLER 层组成 1.1.1、CONTROLLER 组成 PHY:基带物理层 LL:链路层 HCI:主机控制接口 1 BLE4.0 低功耗蓝牙协议总结 1.1.2、HOST 组成 L2CAP:逻辑链路控制和适配器 ATT :属性协议 GATT :属性...
That way, once it is finally sent out, the instant for which the the new parameters shall be valid lies then in the past. The connection now gets disconnect either with reason 0x08 (timeout) or 0x28 (instant passed). From the sniffer log, the slave has not sync-ed at event...