We are streaming data as fast as possible over BLE using the ble_gatts_notify_custom call with a payload of 240 bytes. Our connection interval is 6 (=7.5 ms), so around 133 Hz. Using a 2 Mbit connection, we should be able to send at least 4 frames per interval (each around 256 b...
esp-idf/components/bt/common/btc/profile/esp/blufi/nimble_host/esp_blufi.c:435:10: error: implicit declaration of function 'ble_gatts_notify_custom'; did you mean 'ble_gattc_notify_custom'? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration] rc = ble_gatts_notify_custom(blufi_env.conn_id, gatt_valu...
、 我正在使用esp-idf中的NimBLE API编写一个BLE外围设备。我能找到的所有代码都将特征值存储在变量中,而不是NimBLE可以访问的任何内容中。但是,在中有ble_gatts_chr_updated函数。我想使用它,但我不知道如何在通知中指定要发送的值。一个ESP-IDF示例使用ble_gattc_notify_custom,但这似乎是错误的,因为我认为c代...
Main process function: the engine of tuya ble sdk, to which the Application will call all the time. If the platform architecture has an OS, The tuya ble sdk will automatically create a task to run the main process based on the OS related interface provided by the port layer. If the pla...
用户可使用Demo 程序中的stdio_tx()接口发送数据。 stdio_tx()接口发送数据时,先用mi_session_encrypt() 加密数据,加密后的数据会比明文数据多出 6 字节附加信息;然后,使用接口mible_gatts_notify_or_indicate()发送数据,详情可参见Demo 程序中的内容。因此,此接口每次发送的最长有效字节为14Byte。
intgatt_svr_init(void){esp_err_tret; ble_svc_gap_init(); ble_svc_gatt_init(); ret = ble_gatts_count_cfg(gatt_svr_svcs);if(ret) {printf("BT NimBLE failed to count GATTS configuration, error code = %x\n", ret);returnret; } ret = ble_gatts_add_svcs(gatt_svr_svcs);if(ret)...
apiResult = CyBle_GattcWriteWithoutResponse(cyBle_connHandle,&CustomNotificationhandle); #endif /* Send uart receive handle as attribute for read by central device */ CyBle_GattsWriteAttributeValue(&CustomNotificationhandle,FALSE,&cyBle_connHandle,FALSE); ...
(); // 5 - NimBLE gatt service ble_gatts_count_cfg(gatt_svcs); // 6 - NimBLE config gatt services ble_gatts_add_svcs(gatt_svcs); // 7 - NimBLE queues gatt services ble_hs_cfg.sync_cb = ble_app_on_sync; // 8 - Ini app nimble_port_freertos_init(host_task); // 9 - Run...
函数原型 tuya_ble_status_t tuya_ble_gatt_send_data(const uint8_t *p_data,uint16_t len) 功能概述 ble gatt 发送数据(notify) 参数 p_data[in] : 要发送的数据指针;len[in] : 发送的数据长度(目前不能超过20字节)。 返回值 TUYA_BLE_SUCCESS: 成功;其他:失败。 备注 必须是 notify 方式发送。tu...
在 BLE 组件配置窗口中,选择通知被启用的特性.然后勾选 Notify 复选框,如图 52 所示.客户端特性配置描述 符被自动添加到特性下方的属性列表中.点击 OK. 图 52. 选择组件的通知访问 2. 要想启用 GATT 服务器上的通知 , GATT 客户端会将 0x0001 值写入 CCCD 内 . 发生 'CYBLE_EVT_GATTS_WRITE_REQ'事件...