发现模式如果为GAP_DISC_MODE_BROADCASTER,则广播模式只能设置为GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND(不可连接也不可扫描)。 peer_addr参数只在定向广播或者是controller privacy被使能(即ble_gap_privacy_params_set函数的第二个参 BLE_GAP_PRIV_CFG_PRIV_EN_BIT被置位)的情况下才会使用。 代码路径:SDK_Folder\project...
uint16_tadvInt = DEFAULT_ADVERTISING_INTERVAL;//设置广播间隔大小 GAP_SetParamValue(TGAP_DISC_ADV_INT_MIN, advInt);//最小广播间隔 GAP_SetParamValue(TGAP_DISC_ADV_INT_MAX, advInt);//最大广播间隔 } 连接间隔: // Minimum connection interval (units of 1.25ms, 6=7.5ms) //最小连接间隔 ...
I tried a few different variations in the struct ble_gap_disc_params, but none has worked. I just don't get callbacks for the SCAN_RSP messages. And I know for sure the peripheral device is sending the SCAN_RSP messages, because I can see them with a BLE sniffer. ...
I tried a few different variations in the struct ble_gap_disc_params, but none has worked. I just don't get callbacks for the SCAN_RSP messages. And I know for sure the peripheral device is sending the SCAN_RSP messages, because I can see them with a BLE sniffer. ...
I tried a few different variations in the struct ble_gap_disc_params, but none has worked. I just don't get callbacks for the SCAN_RSP messages. And I know for sure the peripheral device is sending the SCAN_RSP messages, because I can see them with a BLE sniffer. ...
and passes it to the stack.4* Also builds a structure to be passed to the stack when starting advertising.5*/6staticvoidadvertising_init(void)7{8uint32_t err_code;9ble_advdata_t advdata;10uint8_t flags =BLE_GAP_ADV_FLAGS_LE_ONLY_GENERAL_DISC_MODE;1112 ble_uuid_t adv_uuids[] =...
I tried a few different variations in the struct ble_gap_disc_params, but none has worked. I just don't get callbacks for the SCAN_RSP messages. And I know for sure the peripheral device is sending the SCAN_RSP messages, because I can see them with a BLE sniffer. I'm using ESP-...
gap_params_init() GAP(通用访问配置文件 Generic Access Profile)初始化,该配置文件保证不同的 Bluetooth 产品可以互相发现对方并建立连接。 GAP规定的是一些一般性的运行任务,它具有强制性,并作为所有其他蓝牙应用规范的基础。 GAP是多有其他配置文件的基础,它定义了再蓝牙设备间建立基带链路的通用方法。
For example, for one device with the MSB value of 0xFB I can see this 0xFB into the p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.params.connected.peer_addr.addr.If this may helps as another clue, the sensor manufacturer has an iPhone app that recovers the right address (used for filtering ...