DFRobot FireBeetle BLE4.1 蓝牙控制器说明书 FireBeetle Board 28P with BLE4.1 SKU: DFR0492 Introduction DFRobot FireBeetle series are low power consumption controllers designed for Internet of Things (IoT) development. This Bluetooth controller combines Bluetooth Low Energy 4.1 with Arduino ...
b)设置Packet Type为RF_PHY_TEST_REF c)设置Payload Data Length为37byte d)设置Payload Data Pattern为PRBS9 e)选择RQ Gen.RF,设置TX Level为-67dbm;TX Channel为0ch(2402Mhz);Dirty TX为Off 3.按照如下要求,在指定频率,按照指定功率设置SMU发射信号 说明:干扰信号Payload Pattern设置为PRBS15 4.手机连接PC...