Highlight metrics that are, or are trending towards abnormal or out of bounds behavior Establish the resources to drill down into abnormal or out of bounds behavior Each of these steps largely depends on the previous step to be successful. 1. Instrument your Systems Brainstorm what key and use...
美国进步中心中国政策主任和高级研究员、“美中全球问题对话倡议”气候变化研究小组成员梅兰妮·哈特(Melanie Hart),美国国务院能源资源局(Bureau of Energy Resources)中东与亚洲办公室资深官员Garrett Barnicoat,美国国务院东亚与太平洋事务司气候问题协调人Craig W. Simons,美国国务院能源资源局能源外交办公室、中东与亚洲...