若要保护 .NET/C# 代码和数据,请使用 ASP.NET 核心数据保护 功能与服务器端 ASP.NET 核心后端 Web API。 客户端 Blazor WebAssembly 应用调用服务器端 Web API 来保护应用功能和数据处理。由于跨源请求共享(CORS)安全,Blazor WebAssembly 应用通常无法跨源对 Web API 进行直接调用。 典型的异常如下所示:...
In this example, we're using the name Dataverse Web Api Blazor Server Quick Start. We'll search for the application using this name in a later step. Select Next. 注意 You don't need to do anything in this step. This step provides capabilities to connect to Microsoft Graph or another ...
// 设置Web API的基础URL AppSettings.ApiBaseUrl = "https://api.example.com"; // ... await builder.Build().RunAsync(); } 在需要调用Web API的地方,可以使用AppSettings.ApiBaseUrl来构建完整的URL。 复制 public class MyComponent : ComponentBase { private HttpClient httpClient; public MyComponent(H...
使用CultureExample1部分中显示的 组件来研究前面示例的工作原理。按用户首选项动态设置服务器侧区域性应用可能存储用户首选项的位置的示例包括:在浏览器本地存储中(常见于客户端场景)、在本地化 cookie 或数据库中(常见于服务器场景),或在附加到外部数据库并由 Web API 访问的外部服务中。 下面的示例展示了如何...
builder.Services.AddScoped<ExampleService>(); 在下列 InjectAuthStateProvider 元件中:元件會繼承 OwningComponentBase。 插入AuthenticationStateProvider 並傳遞至 ExampleService.ExampleMethod。 ExampleService 會使用 OwningComponentBase.ScopedServices 和GetRequiredService 進行解析,這會傳回使用者線路存留期中存在的正確...
Example projects based on WPF, Xamarin, Blazor and other platforms - wshPrt/WPF-Xamarin-Blazor-Examples
@page"/"@usingMicrosoft.Extensions.Configuration@injectIConfiguration ConfigurationConfiguration example@Configuration["message"] Run the app to see the configured message displayed on the home page. To optionally override this configuration with values specific to the Development environment, add anappsettings...
Add a new HTML page named Default.html in the wwwroot folder. We will use this page later in this example. Just keep it empty for the time being. At this stage your project will look like this: If you run the application you will get this output: ...
For example: Copy publicclassWeatherForecast{publicDateTime Date {get;set; }publicintTemperatureC {get;set; }publicstringSummary {get;set; }publicintTemperatureF =>32+ (int)(TemperatureC /0.5556);publicList<string> TestList =newList<string>(); ...
Photino is a lightweight open-source framework for building native, cross-platform desktop applications with Web UI technology. Blazor + Umbraco Heartcore - Example of using Umbraco Heartcore with Blazor. Blazor Wasm with ASP.NET Framework 4.x - With some tweaks and limitations you can run ...