工厂方法和抽象工厂,接下来我们介绍一种更有价值的IoC模式:依赖注入(DI:Dependency Injection)。
Blazor Server:应用发布到/bin/Release/{TARGET FRAMEWORK}/publish文件夹中,其中{TARGET FRAMEWORK}占位符是目标框架。 将publish文件夹的内容部署到主机。 Blazor WebAssembly 独立:应用将发布到/bin/Release/{TARGET FRAMEWORK}/publish/wwwroot或bin\Release\{TARGET FRAMEWORK}\browser-wasm\publish文件夹中,具体取决于...
獨立Blazor WebAssembly:應用程式會發佈至bin\Release\{TARGET FRAMEWORK}\browser-wasm\publish\資料夾。 若要將應用程式部署為靜態網站,請將wwwroot資料夾的內容複製到靜態網站主機。 IIS 若要在 IIS 中裝載 Blazor 應用程式,請參閱下列資源: IIS 裝載
Blazor.Diagrams - Z.Blazor.Diagrams is a fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor (both Server Side and WASM). It was first inspired by the popular React library react-diagrams, but then evolved into something much bigger. ZBD can be used to make advanced ...
好啦,正式开始将项目从wasm迁移到blazor.server中。 2、代码迁移 因为昨天已经说过了wasm的创建过程,而且代码也都写好了,特别是.razor页面,几乎都不用做处理,直接copy就行,那我就说说注意点。 1、创建server项目 还是昨天的那个页面,只不过是第一个选项了: ...
Blazor BFF Azure B2C - - This template can be used to create a Blazor WASM application hosted in an ASP.NET Core Web app using Azure B2C and Microsoft.Identity.Web to authenticate using the BFF security architecture. (server authentication) This removes the tokens form the browser and uses ...
Download the bundle Parse the contents and create a map of resources using object URLs. Update thewasmOptions.loadBootResourcewith our own function that resolves the resources using object URLs. After the app has started, revoke the object URLs to release memory. ...
Blazor BFF Azure B2C - - This template can be used to create a Blazor WASM application hosted in an ASP.NET Core Web app using Azure B2C and Microsoft.Identity.Web to authenticate using the BFF security architecture. (server authentication) This removes the tokens form the browser and uses ...
Created a new Blazor WASM app with Identity Server, and went through the entire setup. Created a new user. FetchData works. From a the same app but without Identity Server, I copie the controller and a razor pages. Hooked every thing with EF Core etc. AFAIK everthing is cool. ...
Step 2:Install theUbuntu Ubuntu can be installed on a Windows machine by the Microsoft Store, follow these steps: Open the Microsoft Store on your Windows machine. Search forUbuntuin the Microsoft Store search bar. Click on theUbuntuapplication and click theGetbutton to download and install the...