记录为应用创建的注册和登录用户流名称(例如 B2C_1_signupsignin1)。创建Blazor 应用将以下命令中的占位符替换为前面记录的信息,然后在命令行界面中执行该命令:.NET CLI 复制 dotnet new blazorwasm -au IndividualB2C --aad-b2c-instance "{AAD B2C INSTANCE}" --api-client-id "{SERVER API APP...
dotnet new blazorwasm -au IndividualB2C --aad-b2c-instance "{AAD B2C INSTANCE}" --client-id "{CLIENT ID}" --domain "{TENANT DOMAIN}" -o {PROJECT NAME} -ssp "{SIGN UP OR SIGN IN POLICY}" 展开表 占位符Azure 门户中的名称示例 {AAD B2C INSTANCE} 实例 https://contoso.b2clog...
下面是使用B2C和Blazor获取JWT承载令牌的步骤: 配置Azure Active Directory B2C:在Azure门户中创建一个B2C租户,并配置身份验证策略、用户流和应用程序注册。为应用程序注册创建一个客户端ID和客户端密钥,用于与B2C进行身份验证交互。 在Blazor应用程序中添加B2C身份验证:使用Microsoft.Identity.Web或其他适用的库将B2C身份...
Hi, i have a webapp in azure app service which is a Blazor WASM app that is asp.net core hosted. I'm using Azure AD B2C and everything has worked perfectly until now. From nowhere without making any changes i cant login with the message: Correlation ID:
我构建了一个支持Azure AD登录和Azure B2C登录的blazor服务器应用程序。这很好,我可以决定使用身份验证方案向用户显示什么。启动应用程序后,用户将被发送到登录页。在这个页面上,他可以决定使用AD或B2C登录。/_f 浏览7提问于2022-09-07得票数 0 1回答 Firebase :是否有必要检查在服务器上解码的uid (基于客户端ID...
在Azure AD B2C=>User flows=>New User flow中,我们有不同的选项来分别创建Sign In和Sign Up用户流...
Posting this in case I need it myself... Issue: Using custom SignalR endpoints (for example a /chat hub) with Authentication in a Blazor Server application that uses Azure B2C will not work when deployed. It will work fine on your local machine (using… ...
Create a .NET 5.0 Blazor WASM, BlazorApp1, with Azure AD B2C authentication - just to make sure it works, for my own peace of mind 😃 Create a .NET 3.1 Blazor WASM, BlazorApp2, with Azure AD B2C authentication Upgrade the 3.1 Blazor WASM to 5.0 Update settings for the 3.1 Blazor ...
.NET 6 Standalone Blazor WASM deployed on Azure Static Apps causes first-time load errors in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. Next, load correctly and loads the app. I can consistently reproduce the issue in Chrome Incognito mode. But the error comes when I clear all the cache and load the ap...
2022年5月5日 - 应用程序演示,使用Azure DevOps管道创建静态Web应用程序,添加Azure DevOps环境并配置批准,配置多阶段管道,静态Web应用程序命名的预览环境,Playwright测试,生产部署之前的手动批准,使用密码保护分段环境。源代码。 On .NET Live - 在Blazor WASM中封装浏览器API - ...