2.发布到文件夹 3.部署iis站点
但在ASP.NET Core中,你只需要在ConfigureServices期间调用AddDataProtection,然后在返回的IDataProtectionBu...
<httpProtocol> <customHeaders> <add name="Blazor-Environment" value="Staging" /> </customHeaders> </httpProtocol> </system.webServer> </configuration> 注意 若要使用不會在應用程式發佈至 publish 資料夾時被覆寫的自訂 IIS web.config 檔案,請參閱 託管和部署 ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly。
我不是Blazor用户,所以我不知道Blazor本身是否需要任何特殊的东西,但在ASP.NET Core中,你只需要在Conf...
ServerAuthenticationStateProvider (参照リソース): サーバーから認証状態を取得するために AuthenticationStateProvider フレームワークが使う Blazor。 RevalidatingServerAuthenticationStateProvider (参照リソース): AuthenticationStateProvider フレームワークがホスト環境から認証状態を受け取り、定期的に再検証...
Hello guys, Finally, we have come to that blessed moment, it is time to reap the fruits of our work. I want to deploy my Blazor Server application to my test server on the cloud. Please guide me on this. Thank you in advance.
It works when I run it from my computer, but when it is hosted on the webserver, the connection is stopped after about 128kb of data is transmitted. Is there a configuration setting in IIS that limits outgoing connections to 128kb? Seeing as the connection (and other TCP connec...
It is a standard IIS installation on a standard Windows 2016 Server running in a VM. We have access to this remote machine... When we access the web app from our local machine the IP address is not our local client IP (end user), but the standard gateway of the remote machine. But...
项目建立后, 运行方式改为使用控制台运行而不是IISExpress, 以便查看各种debug信息. 打开launchSetti ...
PersistingServerAuthenticationStateProvider (參考來源):針對僅採用 CSR 的 Blazor Web 應用程式。 這是伺服器端 AuthenticationStateProvider,使用永續性元件狀態服務,將驗證狀態流向用戶端,接著針對 CSR 的存留期加以修正。 PersistentAuthenticationStateProvider (參考來源):針對採用 CSR 的 Blazor Web 應用程式。 這是...