varhost = builder.Build();varlogger = host.Services.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>() .CreateLogger<Program>(); logger.LogInformation("Logged after the app is built in the Program file.");awaithost.RunAsync(); 开发人员工具控制台输出以下内容: ...
本文說明如何使用 ASP.NET Core 來裝載和部署伺服器端 Blazor 應用程式 (Blazor Web App 和 Blazor Server 應用程式)。主機組態值伺服器端 Blazor 應用程式可以接受一般主機設定值。部署Blazor 使用伺服器端託管模型,在伺服器上從 ASP.NET Core 應用程式中執行。 UI 更新、事件處理及 JavaScript 呼叫透過 SignalR...
How can I get the details of the error rather just just display the message from wwwroot\index.cshtml. I know the reason for the error, the address path should be be given as @page "/person/edit/{PersonId:int}" in razor page. So please can you advise me the steps how to get ...
When running a server-side blazor project, after some time, the SignalR connection is lost and the following overlay is displayed ("Failed to reconnect to the server"): However, clicking the retry button does not work - the overlay is still present although the following is logged in the d...
With Blazor, build web apps using reusable components that can be run from both the client and the server so that you can deliver great web experiences. Watch the series Front-end web development made easy Whether you're an individual or team, build secure, full-featured web apps faster ...
server to make Microsoft Graph API calls, despite the user being authenticated successfully. The specific error message is: "Failed to get access token from OAuth identity server, please login(consent) first", which occurs even after the user has logged in and co...
Blazor Server基于SignalR,建立连接之后可以通过cookie进行验证,配合Asp.Net Core Identity使用。 Blazor WebAssembly 应用的保护方式与单页应用 (SPA) 相同。 可通过多种方式向 SPA 进行用户身份验证,但最常用、最全面的方式是使用基于 OAuth 2.0 协议的实现,例如 OpenID Connect (OIDC)。
It is a standard IIS installation on a standard Windows 2016 Server running in a VM. We have access to this remote machine... When we access the web app from our local machine the IP address is not our local client IP (end user), but the standard gateway of the remote machine. But...
IdentityServer注册两个cookie处理程序(一个用于身份验证会话,另一个用于临时的外部cookie)。 这些在默认...