It has a rich appearance and allows users to select one or more items from the list using checkboxes or keyboard interactions. It has several out-of-the-box features, such as data binding, sorting, grouping, reordering, dragging and dropping, UI customization, and accessibility....
The Blazor ComboBox component is a dropdown list with an editable option that also allows users to choose an option from a predefined pop-up list. It can be used as an alternative to the HTML select tag and has several out-of-the-box features such as data binding, filtering, grouping,...
(); HumanSkinList.Clear();//先清空集合,再重新绑定数据...HumanSkinList; } else { BindingEnumData();//没有匹配到就绑定所有数据...string str = ComboBoxCtr.Text.ToString(); HumanSkinList.Clear();//先清空集合,再重新绑定数据...HumanSkinList; } else { BindingEnumData();//没有匹配到就...
private bool stopPropagation = false; private string? message; private void StopPropagation() => stopPropagation = true; private void EnablePropagation() => stopPropagation = false; private void OnSelectParentDiv() => message = $"The parent div was selected. {DateTime.Now}"...
In the following code snippet, the DxListBox<TData, TValue> component lists grid columns. When a user selects or deselects List Box items, the SelectedItemsChanged event fires. The event handler changes the Visible property value according to current item selection.Razor <DxListBox Data="...
The ListBox SelectedItems parameter must be defined as IEnumerable<T> in the application. Unlike the Data parameter, it cannot be a List<T>, because the built-in SelectedItemsChanged handler that is used with two-way binding is defined in the ListBox source code as EventCallback<IEnumerable...
@page"/lambda-event-performance"<h1>@heading</h1>@foreach(varbuttoninButtons){<p><button@key="button.Id"@onclick="button.Action">Button #@button.Id</button></p>}@code {privatestringheading ="Select a button to learn its position";privateList<Button> Buttons{ get; set; }=new();prot...
If you use SelectedItems with one-way binding, you must subscribe to the SelectedItemsChanged event to update the SelectedItems parameter value manually on each user selection.The ListBox SelectedItems parameter must be defined as IEnumerable<T> in the application. Unlike the Data parameter, it ...
Name="mainMapBlazorWebView"HostPage="wwwroot/editorjs_index.html"><BlazorWebView.RootComponents><RootComponentSelector="#app"x:Name="rootComponent"ComponentType="{x:Type mato:EditorjsPage}"/></BlazorWebView.RootComponents></BlazorWebView><ActivityIndicatorGrid.RowSpan="4"IsRunning="{Binding ...
Data binding a ComboBox to a model @ComboBoxValue<br/><TelerikComboBoxData="@ComboBoxData"@bind-Value="ComboBoxValue"TextField="MyTextField"ValueField="MyValueField"Width="200px"></TelerikComboBox>@code{privateIEnumerable<ComboBoxItem>ComboBoxData=Enumerable.Range(1,20).Select(x=>newComboBo...