下列範例是以預設 Blazor Server 應用程式範本所建立的WeatherForecast類別為基礎。 此類別看起來像這樣: C#複製 publicclassWeatherForecast{publicDateTime Date {get;set; }publicintTemperatureC {get;set; }publicintTemperatureF =>32+ (int)(TemperatureC /0.5556);publicstringSummary {get;set; } } ...
本節適用 Blazor Web App 或 Blazor Server 應用程式中的互動式伺服器元件。下列範例示範將檔案從伺服器端應用程式上傳至個別應用程式 (可能位於不同的伺服器上) 中的後端 Web API 控制器。在伺服器端應用程式的 Program 檔案中,新增 IHttpClientFactory 和相關服務,以允許應用程式建立 HttpClient 執行個體:...
Describe the bug When running a server-side blazor project, after some time, the SignalR connection is lost and the following overlay is displayed ("Failed to reconnect to the server"): However, clicking the retry button does not work - ...
1. 功能效果演示 仓库地址: IcoTool在线演示地址: https://tool.dotnet9.com/ico演示下文件上传、转换结果: 通过该工具及代码,能了解到: 使用Blazor怎么上传文件到服务器(Blazor Server)。怎么从服务器下载文…
i published a blazor web app in azure server. It starts normally but when i try to log in with the credentials and the logic i created locally (and worked) i get the error. This is my login,js: async function handleLogin(loginModel) { try { … ...
Several files were created to give you a simple Blazor app that is ready to run. Program.csis the entry point for the app that starts the server and where you configure the app services and middleware. Inside theComponentsdirectory:
In the file explorer, expand Pages. Then select _Host.cshtml.Change the elements surrounding the Blazor app component from this code: razor Copy <component type="typeof(App)" render-mode="ServerPrerendered" /> To this code: razor Copy <comp...
The toolset includes also query tools, to issue complex local or remote queries, changes-tracking tools to send only the changed records to the server, advanced validation attributes, globalization tools, "Behaviors" that modify existing components, state management and save, and more. BlazorOct...
连接时服务器名称默认是(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB,也可以使用C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe进行配置数据库实例 我们可以使用VS的SQL Server对象资源管理器来查看我们的数据库,不过我这里强烈推荐使用SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 的“数据库关系图”功能来维护数据库,...
上篇: Bootstrap Blazor 实战 通用导入导出服务(Table组件) 1.新建工程 新建工程b14table dotnet new blazorserver -o b14table 将项目添加到解决方案中: dotnet sln add b14table/b14table.csproj