Blazor WASM redirect to page not found after login from OIDC Moeen Uddin0Reputation points Feb 21, 2024, 6:26 PM I have a Blazor WASM app, and i am using IDS(Identity Server) for authorization. After the successful login from IDS i get redirected back to app with the error me...
I have created a Blazor Server project in .NET 6. I want to implement my own custom authentication in this project. So I have created a login component under Page/Account folder. In that account folder there is a new Layout page. And I have configured my
); RedirectManager.RedirectTo("Account/Lockout"); } else { errorMessage = "Error: Invalid login attempt."; } } private sealed class InputModel { [Required] [EmailAddress] public string Email { get; set; } = ""; [Required] [DataType(DataType.Password)] public string Password { get; ...
GET without enhanced navigation GET without enhanced navigation 如果目标为非 Blazor 终结点,则增强型导航不适用,客户端 JavaScript 会在完整页面加载时重试。 这可确保对于不应修补到现有页面中的外部页面,框架不会产生混淆。 若要启用增强的表单处理,请将 Enhance 参数添加到 EditForm 表单或将 data-...
This will immedietaly redirect to RedirectToLogin.razor, which then redirects to Authentication.razor. This component tries to render the layout, which creates an infiniteloop. To overcome that behaviour, you can create a seperate component redirecting to your Log In page, or change the Authenticati...
string error = ex.Message; } return LocalRedirect(returnUrl); } } } Logout.cshtml @page @model BlazorCookieAuth.Server.Pages.LogoutModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Logout"; } Logout Logout.cshtml.cs using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft...
/bin/sh",Arguments=$"-c \"{escapedArgs}\"",RedirectStandardOutput=true,RedirectStandardError=...
Error=ex.Message }; } }//根据手机号获取用户信息privateasyncTask<ApplicationUser> GetUserByPhoneNumberAsync(stringphoneNumber) {varappUser =await_context.Users.AsNoTracking() .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x=> x.PhoneNumber ==phoneNumber);returnappUser; ...