print = function (e) { console.log('Gonna do some special stuff'); if (bridge != null) { //调用C#方法 bridge.PrintDemo('打印对象示例: '+e); } else { oldPrintFunction(); } }; console.error = function (e) { if (bridge != null) { //调用C#方法 bridge.Alert(e); } else {...
let subPackage = buffer1.slice(i, i + opt.maxChunk <= length ? (i + opt.maxChunk) : length); await _print(subPackage); } } async function _print(buffer) { try { logII('Setting Characteristic User Description...'); console.log(buffer); if (myDescriptor) await myDescriptor.writeV...
创建这个项目还应该创建一个名为“exampleJSInterop.js”的文件,因此我们需要对其进行编辑以添加有助于将 C# 代码连接到 SpreadJS 的 JavaScript 代码的逻辑: // This file is to show how a library package may provide JavaScript interop features // wrapped in a .NET API window.sjsAdaptor = { init: ...
ConnectToDatabase ConnectToEnvironment ConnectToRemoteServer ConnectToWebSite Console ConsoleTest Constant ConstantInternal ConstantPrivate ConstantProtected ConstantPublic ConstantSealed ConstantShortcut ContactCard Container ContainsDynamicValueProperty ContentControlElement ContentInstaller ContentPlaceholder ContentPresenter...
Blazor.Console - A simple component to mock CLI for ASP.NET Core 3.0 Blazor applications to execute some custom commands for an application. Gjallarhorn - Compare packages on different NuGet-sources. Demonstrating Client-Side Blazor MVVM-style. C# Minifer A client-side Blazor application demonstrati...
Blazor 是一个相对较新的框架,用于构建具有 .NET 强大功能的交互式客户端 WebUI。一个常见的用例是将现有的 Excel 文件导入 Blazor 应用程序,将电子表格数据呈现给用户,并且能够允许进行任何更改,最后将该数据导出回 Excel 文件或将其保存到数据库。 以下是在 Blazor 中导入/导出电子表格文件的步骤: ...
console.error(msg); setStatusNotice(msg); setStatusMode('notice'); initializing = false; } const missing = Engine.getMissingFeatures(); if (missing.length !== 0) { const missingMsg = 'Error\nThe following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:\n'; ...
The built-in Message function writes messages to the console. Q# supports string interpolation. By prepending a “$” to a string literal, you can place expressions in curly brackets. To loop over a collection, use a for statement, like so: XML Copy for (qubit in qubits) // Qubits is...
')) .width(150) .margin({top:50,bottom:20}) // 账号登录 TextInput({placeholder...this.mima_find = value }) .backgroundColor('#36D2') Button('登录...console.log(value) this.mima = value }) .backgroundColor('#36D2') Button('注册并登录.../db'); app.use(express.urlencoded(...
; public async Task TryRegister() { var input = new RegisterUserViewModel(Email, Password); try { var response = await Http.PostJsonAsync<CommandResponse>( “.../account/register”, input); if (response.Success) Message = response.Message; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLin...