I updated Visual Studio to the latest version 17.8.0 and created a Blazor app using Auto render mode With Dotnet 8. When I run the application and navigate to the Counter tab, the whole page locks up until the WebAssembly Start. I can't do anything or switch to another tab until the ...
@page "/counter" @rendermode InteractiveServer Here is an working example of my home page using Ant: @page "/" @rendermode InteractiveServer <PageTitle>Home</PageTitle> Hello, world! Welcome to your new app. <Button Type="primary" OnClick="@ShowModal"> Open Modal with customized foo...
Buttons not working inside iframe that open blazor page ,i added buttons that call method in parent component (save) ,it works fine without iframe but it doesn’t work in iframe. { currency.ViewMode = "visible"; currency.EditMode = "collapse"; Save(currency.ISOCode, currency....
I have developed a Blazor web assembly application, and using Azure active directory login with MSAL And this is working in windows pc but not working in iOS and macOS, whenever I try to login and hit the login button it says. --- There was an error…
Dear I create solution with two project, api connect to database and blazor project, its working fine and i publish api to iis and its working i can get the data , i take the URL for api and but i...
@page "/call-js-7" <PageTitle>Call JS 7</PageTitle> Call JS Example 7 Hello, world! Welcome to your new app. <SurveyPrompt Parent="this" Title="How is Blazor working for you?" /> CallJs7.razor.cs: C# 复制 using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; namespace BlazorSample.Page...
Infinite redirect loops and page reloads during authentication ASP.NET Core 3.x Authorize attribute not working asp.net core always "this site can't be reach" when run/debug using IIS that has enable SSL Asp.Net Core and Returning IEnumerable from Web API Asp.net core app crash when ...
We have a strange issue with MAUI.NET Blazor Hybrid as Web Application, everything works fine locally and after deployment to Azure Web App the application is not working as expected. Applicaiton is enabled with Azure B2C Authentication, works perfectly fine in Windows, Android a...
Hi, i have added a mudtable with inline edit and delete function.Problem is when i am clicking the second row for editing un edited row and header jumping to left side.How can i fix these CSS? .I ...
Run the app to check everything is working correctly. In Visual Studio Code, selectF5. Or on theRunmenu, selectStart Debugging. Configure some pizzas and add them to your order. SelectOrder >at the bottom of the page. The default "404 not found...