To make the route parameter optional, use a question mark:razor Copy @page "/FavoritePizzas/{favorite?}" Choose a Pizza Your favorite pizza is: @Favorite @code { [Parameter] public string Favorite { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() ...
路由器會使用路由參數,以相同名稱填入對應的元件參數。 路由參數名稱區分大小寫。 在下列範例中,text參數會將路由區段的值指派給元件的Text屬性。 對/route-parameter-1/amazing提出要求時,內容會轉譯為Blazor is amazing!。 RouteParameter1.razor: razor
当你在重写的SetParametersAsync中调用base.SetParametersAsync(parameters)时,组件的被[Parameter]修饰的属性会被赋值。 这个方法同样适合为参数分配一些默认值,查看Optional route parameters学习更多的细节。 OnInitialized / OnInitializedAsync 一旦为组件的[Parameter]属性赋值完毕, 这些方法将会开始执行。这与SetParametersAs...
使用OnInitialized{Async} 方法而不是 OnParametersSet 方法时,如果用户在同一组件内导航,则不会发生属性 Text 向 fantastic 的默认分配。 例如,当用户从 /route-parameter-2/amazing 导航到 /route-parameter-2 时,就会出现这种情况。 随着组件实例持久保存并接受新参数,便不会再次调用 OnInitialized 方法。 路由约...
可以在 @page 指令中指定 RouteAttribute,方法是以字符串的形式传递它。...组件中,如果我们需要访问一些导航信息,如当前完整的URI、相对路径 又或是 查询字符串(QueryString)等,我们可以在代码中通过 NavigationManager 对象来获取所有的这些值。...} protected override void OnInitialized() { HomePageURI = NavMana...
customValidation; [SupplyParameterFromForm] private Starship? Model { get; set; } protected override void OnInitialized() => Model ??= new() { ProductionDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; private void Submit() { customValidation?.ClearErrors(); var errors = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>()...
Components can also define their own events by defining a component parameter of type EventCallback<TValue>. Event callbacks support all the variations of DOM UI event handlers: optional arguments, synchronous or asynchronous, method groups, or lambda expressions....
UseBlazorFrameworkFiles accept an optional IFileProvider as a parameter (that it also passes toContentEncodingNegotiatoretc) to allow using a specific IFileProvider to serve specific SPA content, as opposed to what it does now which is only use IWebHostEnvironment.WebRootFileProvider. ...
endpoints.MapDefaultControllerRoute(); }); app.UseBlazor<Client.Startup>(); After Copy app.UseClientSideBlazorFiles<Client.Startup>(); app.UseRouting(); app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapDefaultControllerRoute(); endpoints.MapFallbackToClientSideBlazor<Client.Startup>("index.html")...
If the current address matches a route, then the Router renders the contents of its Found parameter. If no route matches, then the Router component renders the contents of its NotFound parameter. To render the component with the matched route, use the new RouteView component passing in the ...