@page"/inputselectexample" @using BlazorApp.Models <InputSelect @bind-Value="selectedColorId"class="form-control"> @foreach (varcolorincolors) { <optionvalue="@color.Id">@color.Name</option> } </InputSelect> <p>Selected Color: @selectedColor?.Name</p> @code { privateList<Color> color...
InputSelectwill need to be within anEditFormas Artak mentioned above. Also, you'll need to use closing tags on the third line of each example (</InputSelect>/</select>). After making these changes, it's working as expected. <select> <optionvalue="0">test</option> <optionvalue="1">...
The next example shows how to use the InputRadioGroup<TValue> and InputRadio<TValue> components. You typically use a radio button group to present a series of radio buttons. Each button enables the user to select one value from a given set. An EditForm can contain multiple RadioB...
.Classification == "Defense")" value="Defense"> Defense </option> </InputSelect> </label> </div> <div> <label> Description (optional): <InputTextArea @bind-Value="Model!.Description" /> </label> </div> <div> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </div> </EditForm> @code { ...
當<input> 元素失去焦點時,其繫結欄位或屬性就會更新。Bind.razor:razor 複製 @page "/bind" <PageTitle>Bind</PageTitle> <h1>Bind Example</h1> <p> <label> inputValue: <input @bind="inputValue" /> </label> </p> <p> <label> InputValue: <input @bind="InputValue" /> </label> <...
<Table TItem="StudentViewModel"AutoGenerateColumns="true"Items="StudentInfoList"ShowToolbar="true"IsMultipleSelect="true"ShowSearch="true"><SearchTemplate><GroupBox Title="搜索条件"><divclass="row g-3 form-inline"><divclass="col-12 col-sm-6"><BootstrapInput @bind-Value="@context.Name"Pla...
Blazor Samples Repo- example projects that showcase popular scenarios so you can jump-start your project by copying from them. Blazor UI Support and Learning Resources- a hub with links to all resources such as blogs, videos, repos, docs and so on. ...
<script src="exampleJsInterop.js"></script> 以下组件: 选择组件按钮(“ 转换数组”)时 convertArray 使用调用 JavaScript 函数。JSRuntime 调用JavaScript 函数后,将传递的数组转换为字符串。字符串将返回到组件以显示。@page "/call-js-example" @inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime; <h1>Call JavaScript ...
Is there a way to restrict the number of files that the user can select (when multiple is set for an InputFile component)? I understand that there is a way to process only "X" number of files when using the eventArgs.GetMultipleFiles, but when the user selects a large number of file...
Paste this code snippet into the file and run the example. Copy @page"/calculator"<divclass="card"><divclass="card-header"><h1>MortgagePaymentCalculator</h1></div><divclass="card-body"><divclass="form-group"><labelfor="enterPrinciple">PrincipleAmount</label><input id="enterPrinciple"clas...