Blazor Hybrid: To develop hybrid apps. Blazor Native: To create native applications for mobile platforms. Explore the best and most comprehensive Blazor UI components library in the market. Explore Now Features in Blazor Create web UIs with C#. Enables progressive web app development. Create reusabl...
结合.NET MAUI 和 .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid 的 3 种方式 24:05 使用Mopups 为 .NET MAUI 提供高度可定制的弹出窗口 18:20 用.NET MAUI 在 Android 上实现语音转文字 24:48 使用.NET MAUI 在 iOS 上实现 Speech-To-Text 22:22 .NET MAUI 中的图像缓存 03:54 用.NET MAUI在Windows上实现语音...
The sample app is a starter solution that contains a .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid (native, cross-platform) app, a Blazor Web App, and a Razor class library (RCL) that contains the shared UI (Razor components) used by the native and web apps. Migrating a .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid solution Ins...
Blazor 是一个使用 .NET 生成交互式客户端 Web UI 的框架:使用 C# 代替 JavaScript 来创建丰富的交互式 UI。共享使用 .NET 编写的服务器端和客户端应用逻辑。将 UI 呈现为 HTML 和 CSS,以支持众多浏览器,其中包括移动浏览器。这个组织用于收集国内各种相关资料和资源,请
Demo. WebSocketPage - Web Socket in Blazor. demo. Blazor Survey - A hybrid F#/C# Blazor sample app to kick the tyres of Beam - A social network demo application. This is the source code of the LinkedIn course "Blazor First Look". C# Minifer A client-side Blazor application demonstrating...
工厂方法和抽象工厂,接下来我们介绍一种更有价值的IoC模式:依赖注入(DI:Dependency Injection)。
In Listing 11, a hybrid view uses both native UI and BlazorWebView to display a counter while sharing app state among all components. The @inject directive is safe to use in the context of Blazor Mobile Bindings and provides dependency injection for native components just as it does for Web...
ASP.NET Community Standup: Blazor Hybrid + Web in .NET 9 - April 9, 2024 - Learn how improvements coming to .NET 9 will make it easier to integrate Blazor Web and Blazor Hybrid. Introducing Smart Components Experiment for Blazor, MVC, and Razor Pages - March 19, 2024 - Add genuinely ...
In .NET MAUI, Blazor Hybrid apps can run on all the platforms supported by .NET MAUI.BlazorWebView defines the following properties:HostPage, of type string?, which defines the root page of the Blazor web app. RootComponents, of type RootComponentsCollection, which specifies the collection of...
Hybrid apps are a composition of native and web UI in a single app. With Mobile Blazor Bindings this means you can write the native UI of your app using Blazor, and also create web UI in your app using Blazor. A major advantage of hybrid apps is that the HTML part of the ap...