Blazor 會使用 NavLink 元件來轉譯 標籤,因為該標籤會在連結的 active 的屬性符合目前 URL 時,切換 href CSS 類別。 您可以設定 active 類別的樣式,讓使用者明確知道目前頁面的瀏覽連結。當您使用 NavLink 時,首頁連結範例類似下列程式碼所示:razor 複製 @page...
在运行时,Blazor 通过将此模板与用户请求的 URL 相匹配来查找要呈现的页面。 在本例中,它可能与形式的 URL 匹配。 试用计数器 在正在运行的应用中,通过单击左侧边栏中的“Counter”选项卡导航到“Counter”页。然后应显示以下页面: 选择“Click me”按钮,在不刷新页面的情况下递增计数。
title) => _blazorWebChromeClient.OnReceivedTitle(view, title); public override void OnReceivedTouchIconUrl(WebView? view, string? url, bool precomposed) => _blazorWebChromeClient.OnReceivedTouchIconUrl(view, url, precomposed); public override void OnRequestFocus(WebView? view) => _blazorWebChromeClien...
Antiforgery mitigation is only required when submitting form data to the server encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain since these are the only valid form enctypes. For more information, see the following resources: Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (XS...
How can I get the details of the error rather just just display the message from wwwroot\index.cshtml. I know the reason for the error, the address path should be be given as @page "/person/edit/{PersonId:int}" in razor page. So please can you advise me the steps how to get ...
How to I change the culture to de-DE if you paste the URL like the following? Thank… ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services. 4,167 questions Sign in to follow Blazor ...
An Introduction to Building Applications with Blazor - August 24, 2019 - An Introduction to Building Applications with Blazor: How to get started creating applications using this exciting easy to use Microsoft C# framework Archives - 2018.Courses...
Url list. Blazor Train: Using SignalR for cross-user Communication - December 4, 2020 - Carl Franklin shows you how to seamlessly add SignalR to any Blazor app. Developing interactive websites with C# using Blazor with Jimmy Engstrom - November 26, 2020 - Creating an interactive website ...
I want to make a Blazor application that can make video calls. However, according to this page:SDKs and REST APIs for Azure Communication Services - An Azure Communication Services concept document | Microsoft DocsAzure.Communication.Callinguses "Proprietary transpor...
The URL path relative to the root of the Blazor WebAssembly app. The name of the extension, which groups the files produced by a given extension. We’ll use this to refer to the extension later. In our extension we define the item as follows: ...